I can hear a bass line in my ear

Idk wtf is going on help

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Is that a schizophenia thing or just something creative?

It’s gone now but I really heard it

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You need to tell that to your doctor next time you see him/her

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I hallucinate music, too. I call it my theme music :smile:

As far as hallucinations go, it’s not the worst thing ever. I even miss it when it goes away for a while. Bu if it’s unusual for you, definitely bring it up with your doctor. Have you had any med changes or extra stress in your life lately?

i used to hear a ringing in my ear, on occasion. but i think it was normal. regardless it passed.

Could it be Tinnitus???

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I changed from injection to pill and I’m in school. And moved into my own apartment I guess.

Idk what that is…

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All those things are stressors and could lead to a temporary spike in symptoms. What coping skills do you usually use to deal with the extra stress?

I don’t know if it’s that. I hope it’s just ear wax

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I don’t really have any. I just endure.

When I get upset or stressed, I start hallucinating. My coping skill, if I can handle it, is to do a task with simple, easy to follow steps. This gets me thinking about the task, instead of whatever was stressing me, then I can think more clearly. If I am too upset to do that, I just put an ice pack on the back of my head. Cooling down my limbic system gives my prefrontal cortex a chance to re-engage so I can think rationally again.

If I was going through as many significant life changes as you, I would probably also ask for extra therapy appointments, just until I adjusted to living on my own and the med change. Those are significant events that any human on earth would have trouble adjusting to.