I applied for a hypnotist license!

For those of you that are familiar with what flaky basket-case I am, I recently signed up as a Porfessional Cuddler but all 3 men I have met with got erections and it is disconcerting. They didn’t act on it, but it was so obviously ‘there’ as we were ‘cuddling’, that it was impossible to ignore.

I want to make some money and get off disability! I am sick and tired of being skid row f*ucking broke! Have you ever flown First Class? It’s REALLY nice! So are pedicures, massages and nice dinners.
SO…I decided I could be a virtual hypnotist and make $100 an hour. In WA State, you just have to have a clean background to get a license as a hypnotist. Some states don’t even require a license. I signed up to take a hypnotist course online and I am buying some ‘scripts’ to use. I think I would be really good at it. I have a nice, articulate, soothing tone I think. I’d prefer to see people in person in an office but I don’t have any money to invest so I will have to do it virtually to start with.

What do you think? Would you use a hypnotist? I am so BORED! I hardly have any friends and I am BROKE as a joke! I need a life:( and I need money!

Washing dishes or stocking shelves are honest trades.

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I agree with you. They are. I admit I have a problem letting go of the past. I used to be MUCH better off financially. I went from a brand new 4 bedroom home to renting a small room. My poverty and adjusting to it are the main reasons for my anxiety. I’m terrified I will wind up in a state run nursing home in 20 years. I have nothing to my name.

I think calling it “cuddling” is just a way to evade the cops.

Hopefully you’re good at it and can make good money. Good luck!

How are you going to get customers?

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@77nick77 Well, I definitely didn’t have sex with anyone nor did they try but they got erections and it was disturbing. There are escort services everywhere, so you’d think that men would just choose an escort service. That’s why I am trying to be a hypnotist. Because I want to avoid sexual predators.

I quit smoking for three years from a hypnotist. Tried it again years later and it didn’t work that time.

lol, I told you that would happen! When you have a warm soft female body pressed up against you it’s almost impossible not to get an erection, even if you don’t find her particularly attractive, it doesn’t mean we are perverts, it’s just the way nature made us.

Anyways, what about cuddling just women, you had mentioned that before.

The way it works is that they contact me. I’m not allowed to solicit work. No women have contacted me. It’s all men 35 to 45.

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Okay, I don’t know anything about this. There should be an option to select only women on your profile. Maybe email the company and tell them to add that feature to their platform.

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I see what you’re saying. Yes, I can change my ‘preferences’ on my profile to say just women. With my luck, I’d get gay women and they would get aroused!

I don’t know what to do. I just need money.

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Yeah, maybe but you wouldn’t know unless they said something, its not lke there would be ‘something’ jabbing into your body, lol

I can’t advise you, it’s up to you what you want to do, but maybe try the only women thing. It’s worth a shot at $100/hour. It’s not like it’s permanent, if you get a bunch of horny gay women then I guess you’ll have to move on to something else.

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I could try that. The majority of ‘customers’ are male so I doubt I would get much business but I could try…

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Are you on disability? If you are I believe you can still work part time but your earnings have to be below a certain amount per month and you have to report them to the SSA (Social Security Administration).

Why not just get an easy part time job? Like working in a ma and pa bookstore or a videogame store? Or something that interests you?

I don’t mean to shoot down your dreams but some areas of hypnotism are kinda quackery.

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I’m in Ontario, Canada and it works the exact same way.

That’s what I did, I’m just a part time delivery driver, It’s an easy job, pays pretty good, I get benefits and eventually a pension. I 'm fine with it.

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Yeah. I am allowed to earn 1300/month without them taking my SSDI away. I just have issues with letting go of the past when I had a lot of money. I fell a LONG way down and I am here to stay. I just need to accept it. I am also hypersensitive to bullying and I feel like I get targeted a lot. People WRONGLY assume that I am spoiled or stuck up and will fires shots at me. I am actually a panic stricken mess of a person. I am very vulnerable but I come across as tough.

Point being: I am terrified to work unless I have some sense of control like being the hypnotist.
A-I want lots of money (need to get over that)
B- I am afraid of being harassed and I need some sense of control or way to avoid it

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That’s awesome man! If my neighborhood had a little videogame or movie shop I would definitely apply to it part time.

I’m on disability too, in the US.

Unfortunately public transportation is terrible in my city. (A thirty minute drive is like an hour and a half using the busses.)


What happens when you make more than that? Do they just deduct it? What happens if you make more than that on a regular basis, do they take away your disability? I’m looking into SSDI for myself, but I still want to work.