Maybe look for a part time job that offer flexible hours. I worked at fast food chains a lot and asked for more hours when i was feeling well and reduce my hours when I was feeling unwell.
Yes, @Newlyborn i cant tolerate not having a job, i get bored, but i cant tolerate having a job either, its to difficult. My solution was working 10- 20 hours a week.
You have a good attitude and it’s also a great that you recognize the pros and cons in taking a longer view. I took a different path and sadly to quote a friends father who I respect a lot: “it’s amazing what a person can get used to.’
Would you believe I’ve been essentially in a state of introversion for 10 years…? Sometimes I say to myself it must mean I have some internal redeeming qualities. Whatever helps right?
I need to do something though, to quote my cousin who is trying right help me… looking back I sort of wish I had your attitude when I left work.
How long have you been working? My career only spanned 8 years…
I just started a new job. Left my former job of 4.5 years after becoming symptomatic. The new job is semi-stressful. There are a lot of people in the office but the good thing is they allow headphones while you work. I’m happy, I’m hoping to get reinstated on disability and work 15 hours a week.