I am not paranoid

i don’t feel i am paranoid. my problems are real not conjured.

also, my problems are despite my efforts of getting along with others.

they abuse me.


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I’ve gone in and out of paranoia over the years. I don’t know if all my problems are contrived but I know some sound crazy and because I can say they sound crazy people say I’m well. I’m so dark I am unaware of my own guilty feelings.

don’t be so hard on yourself jinx. personally i think guilt feelings are often a good sign – we have a conscience. this world is missing a whole lot of it and we are filling in is how i feel.


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I was saying I don’t know if I ever feel guilty anymore, it’s so dark in here.

I think I have some paranoia. I think people don’t like me. I think the world is a cold place often lacking love.

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jinx. a walk in the cold air with a warm overcoat etc. sometimes brightens things up even on a cloudy day. i wish you some sunshine jinx.


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