I am looking for something to help my memory and give me some energy

What works for you?
I just need to remember and focus better for my job

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Caffeine works for me


i take atomoxetine. it improve my attention and memory also gives me good mood and make me energetic and motivated with no side effect.

I just started taking Guarana and it works well for energy. GNC has one called Energy Formula.

Fish oil?

If you find something that works let me know. Ginko Biloba is supposed to help with mental function. I took it for a little while, and it seemed like it might be working, but it is so easy to delude yourself about that kind of thing. I drink green tea for the L-theanine, and that seems to help. I like it enough to buy green tea bags at the grocery store and get my L-theanine there. It’s cheaper than buying the pills, but it makes me piss a lot.


Yeah, it’s easy to think too much of a supplement, and then it turns out it wasn’t all that after all. I’m not sure if it’s placebo, or they just work for a little while then zero out.

Anyways, been taking lions mane recently. I think it makes me think more clear. Got some good response at work lately regarding my effort.

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Coffee over here as well.

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Ive heard gingko is good for that

Says online there’s no proof

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