Are you isolated too?
Yup, everyday.
Hi @GrayBear. I have few friends and now pandemic is making things worst… I live in same house as my Mother and I do go out or have visits for a long time.
I was already isolated before corona, I never go out of my house, my parents get my meds and food. I used to go out for my psychiatrist apt but its on phone since corona. I didn’t go out of my house since February.
That`s a long time @Aziz , I have some “bureaucracy” to solve, so I go out when it is really needed, but I have few significant social relationships, very restrict really (family mainly).
The only people I see are my parents, and my nan.
I have been cut off from my peers for 6-7 years now.
Used to it. I don’t think I can handle friendships, as now I know I have Mild ASD, people will just take advantage of me like they did in the past.
All those times I was picked on at school mainly has really put me off the whole thing, so being isolated actually isn’t a bad thing for me, but sometimes I do get upset about it
People who lacks empathy and are short wired themselves like to take advantage of peoples weakness.I hate being taken advantage because I am socially awkward
Just detect and stay away from these ppl.
That’s what I do, ignore and avoid them, it works.
Yes, about 98% of the time I am isolated since 2015 when the entities/voices came into my life.
I’d say I am. I’ve gotten to where I prefer it.
I feel isolated. I sometimes crave for social interaction but I don´t have anyone I like to be with.
iam not isolated i was when i was sick and prior before i get sick.
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