I am bullied on a physics forum. Does this mean I’m stupid?

I was on a physics forum where I was constantly bullied for asking questions. Does this mean I’m dumb?

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No. It means people there are rude and probably not as smart as they think they are.


I’ve already said this, but I’ll say it again @PhotoGuy… No one could consistently produce the quality of images you do if they were stupid. I’d say your needled tilts toward brilliant. Really.


Sorry, I’m just having trouble lately

Well, you’re just freakin’ awesome and I’ll remind you as often as I have to.


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I’ve joined several groups I was part of on Facebook. But every one of them had at least one, if not three snipers that did nothing but tear newbies to shreds just for asking a question, that the group was created for in the first place. Without moderation, groups tend to go down the shitter pretty quickly

Those guys are just dicks

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Doesn’t sound like a good community to be part of. Are there other physics forums around that maybe have fewer ■■■■■■■■? I’m not sure what a physics forum is exactly.


You are a good friend and respectable friend, Velociraptor. I also hope you know how great your photos are too.

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