I am and Don't call Me Shirley

So we had our cricket season cancelled today. All competitions from the top level to bottom have been canned. I needed a holiday anyways but still. It’s getting serious over here with all this virus stuff. I think I need to take it more seriously. It’s not that I don’t but I’m a bit blase about it all. I think that is me and my mindset from sz and meds. In some ways I can be very normal but at the same time in others be very different from most.

I am serious and don’t call me Shirley!


Yes, you got very healthy approach to situation. Panic killed more people in history :palm_tree::blush:


Same here. They’re shutting new things down every day. I take it more serious sometimes than other times. But it’s affecting me too. My boss will tell me Wednesday if we still will be working, the office workers are doing their work at home. NASA AMES is right across the street. It’s a massive building and they shut that down last week when 1 person died from the virus. Schools and libraries are shutting down right and left.
Sorry about the cricket, I go from being very worried to being blasé about it too.

For once my weird habits are becoming productive; I like to grocery shop at 6:00 am when the store first opens and hardly any people are there. Now my sister is approving this and also I haven’t felt like going to church or my support group and now my sister approves this too.

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So long as they don’t cancel the AFL, i’ll be a happy woman. As for the virus - look, it is a flu virus but it really isn’t any worse than the normal flu. For the majority of people, it will be a mild illness. For your vulnerable people such as new born babies or our elderly, it will be a bigger threat to their health, but for the average person, it won’t be too bad. It is very sad to see so many people panicking, and i blame the media coverage for that.


Ok Shirley :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Good luck, we’re all counting on you.

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Sezbot who do you barrack for? I’m a Blues girl, I hope they play (and get thrashed I’m sure) on Thursday night.

Hello Shirley!

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Please keep all coronavirus discussion to the two open coronavirus threads, to keep the boards from getting clogged.

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