I am 31 years old and I have never

My first kiss was when I was 7. My BFF and I had just accidentally walked on his sister making out with her boyfriend and we asked what she was doing. She said it was called a French kiss, and it was like regular kissing but your tongues touch. So we decided to try it. I stuck out my tongue, he stuck out his tongue, and we touched them. We were both very disgusted, and both turned out gay.



idk either. I guess I am normal looking. don’t feel comfortable to say pretty or ugly haha

Then you might know how a tall person feels, maybe. I think you’re wrong though. Maybe you’re a bit of both. Nah, nevermind.

that’s quite young.

the most experimental thing I was doing at that time was eating cat food with my friend :sweat_smile:


I don’t ride trolleys though. I use stilts to get around.


Thank you! I feel ugly, but I don’t like myself much. You are gorgeous!

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I kissed my gf and maked out at 20 y.o. I wasn’t drunk.

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hope you get to liking yourself more with time. I understand that in my own way.

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I was diagnosed with sz at 21y.o. and my gf left me soon after because of my symptoms and because I left her for 6 months to stay in mental hospital without telling her anything about my sz.

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We only stayed 1-2 years together because of my sz.

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was it a happy relationship whilst it lasted?

She wanted kids at the beginning, not at the end. Before we left each other she told me I am doing nothing useful in my life, no work, no disability income, etc I was also hypersexual because of Abilify and I wanted sex more than she wanted. We weren’t happy together at the end.

She told me to either pay half the rent and live with her or leave her. I said I will leave her because what she’s asking is impossible for me. I can’t ask my parents to pay half her rent.

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I remember at a party once we were playing truth or dare and me and this boy were dared to kiss so we went in the closet to do it and he said we could just pretend that we did if I wanted to. So we pecked on the lips and pretended that we French kissed. I don’t remember my actual first French kiss though just my fake one in the closet. lol. I don’t like French kissing usually, I have to have a pretty bad crush on someone to want to kiss them that way.

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Exactly. Have you ever heard someone say that they “finally woke up”?

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I wasn’t a drinker and had had no drinks at all. She was definitely wasted, asked me to sit down with her and went for it soon after. Afterwards her friends dragged her away and she wasn’t walking straight.

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I have never French kissed…that is when there is like a lot of tongue?

no I have not either.

me and that guy when i was drunk, it was more lips and just a bit of tongue, but it was still quite nice. I think I was biting his lip hahaha :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

that is cute that you guys pretended you did it in the closet haha

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lol you are so funny Chordy. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I hope to find someone who is going to kiss me the same as the way he is lol.

so I guess you had a bad experience?

No. I just learned that it doesn’t mean you know who they are.

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lol oh no that sounds like a mini disaster

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Ahhhh yes, kissing is a delicate art.

You have to be firm, confident, and gentle with it all at once.

But if you and your partner haven’t seen it each other in months and meet at the airport, then you munch on each other’s faces like ice cream cones.

LOL! :stuck_out_tongue: