I don’t mean I’ve committed a bunch of crimes but I remember when me and my friend stole my neighbors bicycle in 9th grade I was worried sick that we would get caught. It wasn’t a rush and it wasn’t fun. And when me and this same guy hopped over this girl friend of ours fence at 3:00 am to rip out her pot plant I remember when we were in her backyard it distinctly sucked while we were back there.
So I always thought I wasn’t a real criminal. You’re supposed to enjoy it.
But then later when we stole all the weights from the gym in our friends gated community clubhouse I felt fine. When I was at the park today I was reminiscing about how we used to steal his brothers car keys while his brother slept and take his car out and drive around. I guess I was risking a beating and he might have even brought the police into it if he would have caught us. I wasn’t that scared though. When I was 15 I had no problem lying to his mom and telling her I had my drivers license so she would lend us her car.
It’s funny but I always hated shoplifting in sixth grade with my other best friend. Always afraid of getting caught. All these were isolated incidents, I didn’t make a habit of stealing but I guess I’m lucky if I don’t have a stomach for crime; it’s a good deterrent.