- Good
- Bad
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Overwhelmingly good.
Depends on your experience- I believe humans are good and bad at the same time. I’ve been abused most of my childhood, so I only have seen bad people when I was a child even at home.
I tend to be biased, so I wouldn’t make other people consider my opinions on this matter.
We are all loving compassionate and peaceful beings. We don’t mean to fight wars, but its learned hatred, i guess.
We prefer to feel good and doing good makes us feel good
There have been six times in the twentieth century that a million or more people have been massacred - The Turks killed a million and a half Armenians, Joseph Stalin killed 20 million Russians, The Japanese killed ten million in their rampage through the Orient, Adolph Hitler killed six million Jews, the Chinese killed a million Tibetans, and Pol Pot killed a million Cambodians. However, there have also been people who labored their lives away in some lonely lab developing vaccines that have cured the diseases that have wiped out millions of people - the plague, measles, small pox, polio, et. al. So I’d say it is a wash. People have a great capacity for both good and evil. People are nothing but perplexing.
Neither. 15151515151516
It’s not difficult to fix the issues with our brains. They’re not big problems, and they certainly don’t cause hate or violence.
I think there are people who are born without the capacity for empathy or love (psychopaths).
I think there are a lot of other people who are born with the capacity for both good and bad, who depending on their environment and choices go more one way or another. I believe babies already generally prefer “good” over “evil”.
Very are inherently good and I’ve got easy theory to test the hypothesis.
Next time, In real life preferably, help the person out who is in deep suffering or in desperate need of help. Once it’s done. Observe your brain filling up with serotonin and positive emotions.
The opposite is true as well. Hurt someone and observe how easy is to spiral down to hell overtime.
Of course, life is more dynamic than I just described. But general rule of thumb. To be a good human being. This is how we thrive the most.
Humans are double edged, they are as good as they are bad in my opinion, one person just rescued an animal, another just kidnapped a child.
90-95% of ppl are good or harmless. Its 100% good if you can ignore them. You give too much attention to ppl. I don’t care about ppl.
You compare too much.
Comparing what lol?
A LOT of people pull some pretty rotten â– â– â– â– . They hack the bank accounts of economically deprived people, they blackmail people, some people will do anything for money.
The question is somewhat absurd, humans are inherently moral, not inherently good or bad.
I believe us humans can be both
Good and bad by nature. Sometimes the good wins over the bad, and vv.