Are humans horrible?

An amazing youtuber that I follow has just created a new video that is very empowering, among other great things!

If you’re interested then please watch, and if you liked it then watch some of his other videos, they are wonderful!!!


People can be horrible - like Mao, Hitler, and Stalin, but you’re right. On balance I think people are more good than evil. I noticed that you mentioned Fritz Haber as a life saver, and you’re right. His discovery of a cheap way to produce nitrates has enabled the earth to support two billion more people. However, there is a lot about Haber’s life that is profoundly troubling. His discovery allowed Germany to use nitrates to make explosives. That enabled Germany to prosecute WWI. Also, he was the originator of chemical warfare. He is the scientist that invented that. Also, he discovered the Zyklon B that killed so many Jews in the Nazi death camps. He was a Germanized Jew himself.

I don’t humans are horrible by nature.

I think that we ate followers by nature like herd animals.

And we follow each other into horrible situations then take part thinking thats what we are supposed to do.

From my experience, 99,9% of human beings are horrible. I 've been facing bullying in school because of my illness, and also the meanness my whole life! I think we schizophrenics have a better character, I mean, I could change my percentage to 99% only to include schizophrenics in the 1%. Almost all schizophrenics I 've met, seem to be very good people, and we can see this from this forum, in other forums everyone attacks to anyone.

This is a good place. We’re a blessed group though we are blighted. We accept our kind without boundaries. There are probably a lot of schizo who are really bad people though. I don’t think you can say they’re all good. Typically though if you want to live with this illness you’ve gotta make changes for the better.

Holy ■■■■ life is beautifully ugly right now. Schizophrenia man what the ■■■■.

Well this forum I think through our experience that a lot of us are living on the edge and sometimes all it takes is a slight inadvertent nudge to push somebody over.

I can think of some REALLY bad sz afflicted.

Son of Sam and others like him come to mind.

Im still surprised

Well this forum I think through our experience that a lot of us are living on the edge and sometimes all ot takes is a slight inadvertent nudge to push somebody over.

I can think of some REALLY bad sz afflicted.

Son of Sam and others like him come to mind.

Im still surprised how level headed most people here are ccompared to me.

I guess thats cuz you guys are all doped up.

I didn’t say all schizophrenics are good, but I “proved” it with my percentage, that was, a bit exaggerated, by implying it only includes schizophrenics. Ok, perhaps many schizophrenics are bad too, but that doesn’t change other people who are mostly bad and do critism.

I 'm sorry, but when you say about level headed people who do you mean, me for example?

Oh im totally with you on that.

But I say its society as a whole thats 99% bad.

See I think individuals could be ok but once we gather we develop a pack mentality.

I think thats the cause of most bullying also.

When bullies gather they impress each other with their antics.

If you break that group up they aren’t so confident.


The 99% is way off. People are expressive and flawed and a whole lot of fun

Yes you but aside from 2 others NOT YOU it seems im one of the only ones with actual delusions that they entertaine to a certain degree.

Oddly they have the same delusion I do about telepathy…unless its not a delusion…ok ok my brain Is looping again don’t mind me just thinking out loud.

Yeah but I would expect you to have a more kind attitude towards people in here. I didn’t say anything bad about you.

I didn’t say anything bad about you either.

I said that you and most people here seem pretty normal compared to me.

I think you completely misunderstood me.

You have it totally turned around I agree most people with are kind especially to each other because we understand each other.

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I was also saying that the people that have real delusions are very few and you dont sound like one of them because you talk very sane.

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You prolly think im being negative by saying you guys and gals are level headed because you are all doped up…well you guys are all doped up and that prolly is why you are level headed.

Thats not negative thats just a factual observation.

Sorry if I offend

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Oh, ok, I am the one who must say sorry because I misunderstood. I thought level-headed is bad. I agree that we all here are good because we understand each other and like this. Thanks for saying that I talk sane, the truth is that I have problems to concentrate and I don’t understand others and I am always afraid of saying sth “insane”, because I 'm not totally well. But I try to hide it as much as I can. Sorry for being late in answering, but I was busy.

Hey no problem and you are doing a great job of hiding it I try also but don’t always succeed.

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