Huge health anxiety- cancer

i don’t normally come in here with this type of stuff but OMFG i’m raging with fear about pancreatic cancer
gp going to do blood tests

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What makes you think you have pancreatic cancer?

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some years of mild upper back pain that comes and goes
huge gall bladder inflammation and full of stones emergency removal 17 months ago and about 5 months later diarrhoea started most of the year
father had different cancers 3 x started about my age
sometimes mild fever
some fatigue like not being able to stay awake in the day
excessive fatigue
headaches too some extent

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fatigue like falling asleep all the time in company

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That’s a lot, but there could be other explanations. I hope the blood tests come ok.

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and i’ve lost 30lb with no effort other than eating sensibly without sugar or animal products
i was obese now overweight

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When do you think you’ll have the results of the blood tests?

have to book tests
3 weeks because specific tests
so a month

done for if it’s this
less than 90% five year survival

Ok. I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t panic until you know the results of the blood tests.

90% 5 year survival sounds like good odds though.

If it were me, I’d probably stay away from googling anything further. It’ll probably drive you bananas.

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less than ten i mean
it’s about the worst of all for 5 yr

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i hope the blood tests return good


three, i hope it all turns out right for you and t he tests are negative. jiudy

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After gall bladder removal stools are usually loose for a long time, maybe forever. That’s from the bile being continuously pumped into the intestinal tract instead of sitting in the gall bladder and released when digesting.

Your weight loss sounds fine, especially with the eating healthy and cutting sugar. I lost a ton of weight by adjustment to my diet before.

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thank you x big relief to remember
but it didn’t start for a few months after operation

I hope you will be okay, @three x

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It doesn’t always start right away.

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