How to improve social skills with Sz/SzA?

My therapist told me I do not have any obvious social deficiencies, but I would like to know: how do you improve your social skills?

Steal them…………….

Just talk to people, if you keep practicing you’ll get better at it


My social skills were never very good, especially from my teens.

I avoided many social things, but since a few years i actively tried to do things i find scary - give a presentation, share a personal story or joke in a group, invite someone, set a boundary. Im often terrified or insecure. Or - horror - I say or do something stupid and obsess about my failure.

It really helps though. Im still awkward. Or a bit odd. But at least im connecting to others in my own awkward way. :slight_smile:

Oh and it helps i found a few people who are just as awkward as me.

I have lousy social skills too. I have ever since my teens. I’ve never had many friends. Very, very few actually. Good thing I’m an introverted loner otherwise I’m sure I would be miserable. I’m a dedicated bookworm. That helps.

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Social skills for , or from me are easy. Most times I just sit and listen. Then respond with the proper ( I hope ) emotional filled knowledge or opnion.

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yes become a really good listener. then just ask a question , or say things like, yes ,
-oh i see- , brilliant , `but what about this? (offer your input on the topic).

you can just agree with them on whatever there talking about even if you dont. unless you want to debate them which is a whole other challenge lol.

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Have you tried group therapy? You get to be around people who are struggling with the same thing you’re going through so they understand. I’m still friends with some of the people I met in group therapy from when I was in high school.

The main thing is theory of mind. That is your automatic assumption about what their mind is doing, being like, and means because that’s how you understand your own mind. The most accurate theory of mind is great. A theory of mind that is very wrong as in you don’t understand your mind through and through…it’s hard to interact with others’ minds well, strategically, and positively.

I find keeping in mind our minds are information, keeping my ears tuned to the “subjects and predicates” in their words, minimizing my statements while controlling which subjects and predicates I use in order to give them “endocrine fuel” or feelings…I get social locomotion.

I haven’t been working on sociality except online for several years. I’ve just been researching and writing. I’m starting to try socializing now and then lately, and I’m enjoying it especially time out in the metro among the public. This is all new for me, so…

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