What advice would you have?
in particular my face gets rounder and my eyes get smaller. so I look a bit like a pig
and my thighs get larger like chunky thighs
how to feel confident inspite of this?
thankyou in advance!
What advice would you have?
in particular my face gets rounder and my eyes get smaller. so I look a bit like a pig
and my thighs get larger like chunky thighs
how to feel confident inspite of this?
thankyou in advance!
As long as you are not immobile I don’t think it should really matter.
I just decided I don’t care what anyone else thinks. If people don’t like me for my looks they can just eff off. My confidence comes from raising my kids to adulthood and seeing how they are kind and good to people.
It also helps that I don’t ever want to be in a relationship again.
As long as I try my best then I should be confident in myself because why not. I agree with you @FatMama those who have a problem with that, that’s their problem not mine. I think that’s what you mean?
Yes exactly what I mean
I’m thinking of taking up road biking next summer. But when you see those bicycle magazines with skinny people in streamlined gear going a hundred miles an hour you try to convince yourself that nope I shouldn’t ride because I don’t match the profile. I started thinking to myself, gee Skunk, life is too short to worry about those inconsequential details. We need beautiful bright white teeth, and a trimmed physique, and drive Humvees, and own houses with a toilet in a toilet. So my point being consumerism wants to spout their propaganda and make you feel like less just to make a buck. If you can’t squeeze through a doggy door well then you are supposed to feel that you have problems.
Just my pov.
@anon90843118 I’ve never seen you but I know you are beautiful. How do I know? Because I know you from a place that matters, the inside. Anyone else who is worth it will find you beautiful also, chunky thighs and all.
I have gained over 120 lbs. in two years, and I am also struggling with how I look. Double chin, round tummy, chunky thighs. I won’t even do a vlog because I don’t like the way I look, and on my blog, I only post close-ups of my eyes or lips. Still… I feel a lot better when I am wearing clothes that fit and have put on my makeup and jewelry. I know it’s superficial, but it makes me feel human. I may not be a looker, but I can certainly look my best.
I think what best helps you with confidence in this is to go to a weight you feel comfortable with. When I lost a bunch of weight, I felt more confident inside my own skin. But, you should always try to feel good about yourself, just also remember there’s things you can improve on. I’m in the same situation as you and I’m dieting and running more, because that’s what helps with confidence: going to a weight you feel comfortable at.
Losing weight isn’t necessarily so easy, though. APs and medical conditions may interfere. Good for you for being able to do it, though.
I know, I gained 130 pounds inside a year with antipsychotics, its definitely hard. But I believe it’s possible, and that’s what I’m striving for.
I know what you mean that is also what I’m working at but my excercise ability is low due to aps so I can only manage gentle exercise 3 times per week. This means it’s going to take me a long long time to get to a weight I feel comfortable with on aps. So in the meanwhile I need to feel comfortable at the bigger shape that I am…
But yes I agree striving for a slimmer shape is good if you can do it.
Thankyou leaf that you think that
It’s good to hear that from others
I think you look beautiful I remember seeing a pic a long time ago.
Yes I agree with you making effort does help too…
I used to be insecure about my AP weight gain, so insecure that I didn’t want to leave the house because I was sure every time I was out in public people were judging me – without knowing my backstory, no less – like people are often known to do. This was before I tried a diet, which did help me to shed the pounds. Then I started feeling insecure about my hair, because everyone else here keeps theirs so straight and neat and mine is wild and thick unless I spend hours fixing it, and I was too depressed to put in that kind of effort for something that would just do undo itself with one night of sleep. It was like I just couldn’t win lol. I was always finding excuses to isolate.
I put the weight back on, the insecurity about my hair and whatever else vanished, the insecurity about my weight came back, the urge to diet followed, and I just felt hopeless all over again. But I tried a different way of viewing myself. Purely focusing on the looks aspect, I realized that my face looks fuller and more youthful at a higher weight and I have nice curves. Then going into my inner qualities, I’m working on becoming kinder and more patient, and I can do that independently of anything going on on the outside.
I think healthy weight loss is a worthy goal and I definitely think you’ll get there since I know you’ve been trying hard. For this moment, I hope you can be assured of the fact that you are beautiful on the inside, and I’m sure that’s apparent on the outside as well.
Thanks for the encouragement @antidepressant044
Btw your hair is very nice! I would love to have it. Nothing beats volomous hair.
And I’m trying to love my body too the way you describe its just so hard for me my face shape is just so…
But I guess it doesn’t matter as people say. I’m kind of OK with it my face and that counts for something
Aww, thanks!
And I hear you. It’s hard to accept yourself even when you fall into the category of conventionally attractive (or so I’ve witnessed; I’ve worked with several absolutely stunning ladies and they all hated something about the way they looked).
I dunno what it is about human nature that can make us so resentful towards ourselves.
I think you are a beautiful person inside and out. You have pretty features like your eyes and lips and importantly I feel you are a nice/compassionate, sensible, dedicated person, I think that word nice gets looked down upon sometimes idk why but I def don’t think it is!! I hope compliments don’t make you feel uncomfortable
it’s like we strive to be ‘perfect’ isn’t it. I think I need to be kind to myself in regards to my body but I’m not sure how LOL. Maybe appreciate the unique look I have as a unique person, makes the world a more colourful place I suppose
I used to be dead skinny. Was a bit long and lean and some weight on my frame makes me look better in my opinion. I’ll take that!
I appreciate the kind words! Thank you!
You have a kind personality. You seem quite laid-back from what I’ve observed, and imo that’s one of the best qualities a person can have.
I think that’s a good approach. You add to the beautiful variety that enhances this world!