How is your weather

Our weather has been good in this week, between 0 and 10 C and the sun has been shining. And yours?


The temperature is mid-70’s and sunshine with the occasional cloud. I’m loving this weather too the dog for a walk and enjoyed being outside.:sunglasses:


It’s around 63 lately. :slight_smile: I’m enjoying nicer weather, too.


So cal weather is best. We only get earthquakes.

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When was the most recent earthquake there in CA.

Not sure. Haven’t had a big one in years. We had a 3.0 recently which isn’t bad. We are expecting a big one soon though.

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How’s the weather? Run out of topics?


Didn’t y’all have some bad wildfires? That would scare me very much. We in Oklahoma get wildfires also but they more in rural areas. I bet the beaches are wonderful.


The weather here in Ireland is not good. Grey skies, rain and cold. But, apparently tomorrow will be much better. I look forward to it. :sun_with_face:

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It’s a little rainy in my part of Minnesota. But the air temp is really nice. :slightly_smiling_face:

Today is a cold rainy day with a chance of some snow.
Ugh… I can’t wait for the warm sunny days to remain with us.

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This week has been good, but they forecast some snow in the beginning of the next week. Tomorrow is going to be a very nice spring day, I’ll ride my bicycle at least 20 kilometers.

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Ya, we get fires and droughts, but we haven’t been affected so far.

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highs around 80. For about a week. Yaaaay!

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Pretty hot as of late…but also breezy.

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It rained here today. It is around 61° Farenheit right now. Kinda cool but no longer raining.

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Supposed to be 70F this afternoon.
Going to wash winter off the car and tune up the riding mower for cutting season.

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18 to 25 celsius with a bit of a shower in early part of day, then it cleared up sunny and blue skies in the afternoon.

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Had hailstorms past couple days in south of Uk. Warming up nicely now tho - will save my heating bill!

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It got up to about 80 F again, today.

I’m a little sweatball, tall and stout lololol

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