I think boredom can lead us to feel bad, miserable, useless, and miserable…I get bored a lot and I always have to fill my mind with anything, everyday conversation and socialization doesn’t get me any less bored, how about u guys?
I think boredom can lead us to feel bad, miserable, useless, and miserable…I get bored a lot and I always have to fill my mind with anything, everyday conversation and socialization doesn’t get me any less bored, how about u guys?
I get bored a few times a year, usually on long hot sunny summer afternoons.
Often…and alex wtf is your avatar?
I never get bored. I’m content with being bored unless it means I’m bored with the gym. Then I trick myself into not being bored.
Lol it’s not my avatar it’s just a picture
I’m bored most days. I have plenty of real life stuff that I should be doing, but don’t have the motivation to do any of it. So I’m a boredom sandwich.
I end up going back to bed quite a lot because I think “What’s the point of being up?” . I am heavily reliant on the internet, checking forums for new threads and replies to posts I’ve made.
When there’s not much going on to interest me I get bored easily.