How often do you get a clean bath towel? POLL

I’ve been using the same towel for a month. I’m thinking that’s kind of gross. I’m gonna wash it today with all my other towels. I have other towels, I just like this one because it’s thin and dries really quickly and it’s big.

How often do you get a clean bath towel?

  • every time I wash
  • every other time I wash
  • every third time I wash
  • once a week
  • once every two weeks
  • once a month
  • more than once a month

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I wash my towels every week.

I only take a couple showers a week anyway,

And my husband takes one everyday, but has his own towel.

I think once a week is good, but I suggest using that laundry sanitizer to get them super clean.


I only shower several times a week unless I get real sweaty from helping my dad around the yard.

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God no. Everytime i wash in the bath , it gets chucked into the washing machine afterwards for the next load.

Why have a bath - and then dry with a stinking towel.

I have some standards.


Mr. Star replaces our towels every time they start to smell, which is usually about a week.


I use a different bath towel every time I take a shower.

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I seldom worry about germs :microbe: or even parasites. I don’t know why I’m like that really. I mean my mother was neat as a pin. My dad carries sanitizer in his truck.

Not suggesting the following:

I had a strange growth on my shoulder years back and I pulled it off without contacting a doctor. Luckily I was fine. But it was a stupid move on my part

How often do you replace your dish rag? I pour boiling water on mine after I wash the dishes

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Weekly. So about 3 showers.

If I showered more I’m sure I would cycle them faster.


I rarely wash the dishes. My dad is in charge of that so I don’t know how often he replaces it. I would do them more but it’s kinda “his thing”. He prefers to do them himself. The same with cooking.


I said a week, but actually I don’t know because while I do my own laundry my mom washes the towels so I basically hang up my towel after I use it everyday and sometimes its freshly washed and sometimes it isn’t.

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Usually during the weekend. After a week they start to smell.

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I don’t know. I haven’t lived on my own for awhile. I got a community laundry. Usually I do a wash for everything around every two weeks. I have 5 towels to change. My nose is damaged from smoking.

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Weekly. on average.

just mainly because i use it on my face too and have a predisposition to get blackheads

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i need to wash mine :open_mouth:

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lol i love how thorough this forum is on topics to discuss.


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