How much time do you spend tidying up?

i try to do an hour a day, usually one or two rooms a day. and i do the kitchen everyday because of my mouse problem.

i think when i get a job, i will just clean on my off days. it doesnt take more than 2 or 3 hours to give this place a good cleaning.

what about you? do you keep a neat place or do you have a lived in place?


my room is not laden with food dirt but it does have a kind of organised mess.

ie, it looks messy but it is all in its right place lol if that makes sense, because my room is small so it looks pretty cramped in my room.

I help out in the kitchen on a daily basis, not just my own kitchen stuff.

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today is perfect cleaning day. a little chilli and wet outside. will probably give the whole place a once over today since i will be inside all day, with little else to do.

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One of the best points about my apartment is it’s easy to keep clean. If we clean up after ourselves the only real maintenance the kitchen needs is to be swept and mopped once a week. For the living room it just needs to be vacuumed once a week and two coffee tables just need to be wiped and cleaned with Pledge every two weeks. The bathroom is the hardest but it’s easy. Mainly cleaning the toilet and shower, occasionally the sink and floor. I kept it clean when I lived alone for more than a year but now with a roommate, cleaning takes little effort and time.


Sweep and vacuum every 3-4 days. Wipe down counters as used. Rinse dishes and put in dishwasher as used. Laundry when basket is about 1/2-3/4 full. Swifter about twice a month. Affresh in the dishwasher and washing machine every two months. One Green Gobbler enzyme treatment in each toilet every two months. Wipe down kitchen doors and drawers, microwave, light fixtures, and other misc as needed.

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