They used to say that dogs only understood the tone of your voice when you said certain words but I think they are coming around to the idea that dogs really understand a lot of what you are saying. I know my dog knows “walk” for instance no matter what tone I say it in. She gets all excited and starts jumping around. How much do you think dogs really understand what you are saying?
They really latch onto phrases if you repeat them. We’d say “nanny and grandpa’s” around her and she’d freak out, because she knows we always say that on Sunday morning when it’s time to visit the grandparents’ for breakfast. We used to bring her with and she’d get a nice bone.
That was years ago when she was alive and I was still healthy. I used to love walking her. She knew “stop,” “cross the street,” “go for a walk,” basically anything with the word walk in it, and her name. I also called going outside “doggy business” and she seemed to understand that too. I think they are more smart than we give them credit for, or at least that’s the side I’d err on.
Hmm. . .
Pups Are Great Fun Creatures To Have As Friends.
They Will Always Be Ready For Any Type Of Conversation No Matter The Time Of Day Or Night.
They Understand As Much As We Do About Humans. Even More So On A Level Most Don’t Want, Or Jus Refuse To Understand. Which Is Sad, Pathetic, And Of Course The Pups Suffer.
If You Want To Start An Honest, Deep, And Fulfilling Relationship With Your Pup.
Listen, Speak, Be Patient, And Kind. Jus As Much As You Would Like Your Pup To Be.
Dogs can only understand concepts which their evolution and neuroplasticity would allow them to understand I suppose. Humans have a great deal of that as I understand it. Dogs not so much.
So mostly they’d be relying on their evolutionarily instilled concepts I’d suppose. Food, friends, water, fighting, running etc etc. And the relations between these things. They say 90% of communication is non verbal so… I think that’s how they pick up on a lot of it.
That being said you’d obviously never be able to explain how a computer works to a dog. It just has like this brick wall of limited intelligence where is simply cannot ascend the way a human does
That being said they do understand simple concepts quite well I’ve observed. They can deduce very simple concepts but anything complex nah lol
It depends on the dog, some dogs are smarter and have a bigger vocabulary that they understand. I’ve seen some dogs that knew a lot.
I think dogs (and cats), understand 100% of what we say. Don’t kid yourself.
There was a segment of a genius dog on television I remember seeing. I think that dog understood something like 200 to 300 phrases. If I remember correctly most dogs recognize more around the 15 to 30 mark. Still possibly more than me when it comes to reacting to speech.
Hmm. . .
On A Side Note.
I Wonder Why Some People Are Fascinated By The Horrible Treatment Of Some Animals.
Like Dog Fighting For Example.
Or Not Giving The Correct Way To Water Or Feed Them?.
And How Can Anyone Find An Animals Death (Like A Pup), Something To Laugh About?.
And Why Is Eminem’s ‘Slim Shady’s LP’ Coming To Mind?.
I Am Sincerely Confused. . . . . . .
Depends on the dog and the amount of work put in. Some dogs know a surprising amount of words and even phrases.
They understand body language and human feelings.
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