- 120kg to 150kg
- 100kg to 120kg
- 80kg to 100kg
- 60kg to 80kg
- 40kg to 60kg
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I used to weigh 70 kg but on meds I put on 20 kg so I weigh 90 kg I’ve always been skinny so I’m OK with a bit of weight
Weight without height ratio doesn’t indicate much. Also whether male or female is an indicator. BMI would be better than this and even that doesn’t take into account muscle mass to fat ratio.
I weigh 135kg yes I do
i weigh 185 pounds…don’t know what kg it is.
I weigh about 163 lbs. Idk the kg. I’m female and 5 ft. 8.5 in.
I weighed myself today and I was 196 lbs
I don’t know what that would be in kg
Before Olanzapine I was 59kgs
It’s been 7 years since I stopped it and I have swung between 68kg to 96kg
Maybe 3 times now
I don’t like being overweight but I have gotten a bit older now, and I am not consistent in exercise or diet
I think when i lose the almost 50 kg of extra baggage i will fly.
I weigh between 64 and 65 kg.
How tall are you? Just out of curiosity. I was 5’8 at 66kg once before. Now I’m 114 kg
I am about 5’8 too
105kg at 6’3
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