How much do you trust your partner?(POLL)

  • I trust him/her a lot
  • I trust him/her but not 100%
  • I trust and not trust him/her,it depends
  • I do not trust him/her and are leaving soon

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I just started dating my partner about a month ago. So I trust him, he hasn’t given me reason not to, but it’s not 100% there yet.

I have never had a partner


My partner and i have been together for 14 years so far. So i guess i’d better say i trust him. Lol!

100%. He’s been here before and after the psychosis happened and still has not left…

I get very paranoid I will be poisoned or murdered so I can’t say I trust 100%.

I have been with my partner for 19 months. I trust her 100%

I don’t have a partner atm

I don’t. And I don’t even have a partner.


I haven’t had a partner in over twenty years.

I’m gonna start a website called Single Horny Schizophrenics dot com.


HAHAHA, that made me laugh! :rofl:

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LOL! I’m happy you got a kick out of it. :slight_smile:

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I trust my husband 100%.


I trust him 100%, we started dating three months ago. I have a good feeling about our relationship.

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I am divorced now and single but when I was married my sociopathic borderline wife, lied to me constantly, stole from me and cheated on me multiple times.
I couldn’t trust her in the end.

We trust each other and can even talk about separation. We both want peace of mind.


I don’t have a partner either, but it’s by choice. I don’t really want all the things that are involved to sustain a relationship of this kind at this point in my life.

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I trust my GF 100%. Been with her for 20 years.

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