I just upgraded to 100gb per month with rollover so if I only use 10gb of the 100gb … Next month I’ll have 180gb of data
Can I ask how much you guys pay? Do you think £20 for only the Sim is ok. Should I cancel the contract ?
I just upgraded to 100gb per month with rollover so if I only use 10gb of the 100gb … Next month I’ll have 180gb of data
Can I ask how much you guys pay? Do you think £20 for only the Sim is ok. Should I cancel the contract ?
In the U.K. I had a sim only that cost me £11 per month on a rolling one month contract. It was great until my phone died. Back then you got unlimited data with 3 but less calls and texts.
it’s the other way around now. I get unlimited mins and text, but only 4gb data. It’s ok though, most places have Wi-Fi and I go the same places much of the time, so my wi-fi helps the data last longer.
Depends if you watch netflix or a lot of videos I guess. I just use it for email, Google and the app for this site.
I’d say you got a reasonable deal if you think you’ll get through that much data in a month.
My father and I are on a family plan.
We both get less than 1gb.
I connect to WiFi the majority of time.
100gb is a lot.
8 Gb but i have wi-fi
I dont use much data when outside
8gb data on my contract. I use the internet on my phone a lot but rarely ever come close to actually using 8gb
1gb per phone (4). We stay on the wifi so no overages.
For mobile? 6 GB per month for an entire family. Canada has amongst the highest data rates in the world. Costs me $230/mth for 3 phones.
Unlimited. I love my carrier. God bless America!
You get the phones. I think it’s not too bad
Unlimited costs £25 to 32 quid here but I figured I don’t even need 200gb
They charge close to the same if you have your own phone.
Wow that’s unbelievable …
I have unlimited talk, text and data in all of North America.
I kicked out the smartphone, it was addictive. Now I only use talk and text, unlimited within my country, for 8,50 euros I think.
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