How many years you put to recover?

I guess it will take me years. Even my pdoc said it, cause i am ill since too long.
How many years it took for you if its in years? I mean to really take your life in hands and to feel healty and happy again? plus, to be functional too…

I give you between 3 and 10 years.
I myself am a hopeless case I think.
Or else you are asking for too much from me.
I take medication, I exercise a lot every day I eat healthy I even take supplements, but still
I won’t meet these standards in terms of functionality and feeling healthy.

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You are not a hopeless case. Its just a tough illness. Some are luckier, but a lot of other schizophrenics continue to suffer…

3 years and counting

recovering will never end
this is a lifetime illness

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It’s a work I’m progress.

i just want to do something with my life…not to die after been spending my life between those walls. I have an ill friend who just got married. But its tough for her. her guy doesn’t understand her illness, he even raised a hand on her now… am i condemned to have guys like this? lol… i am hilarious…

Probably 70 years if I live to 93 :wink:

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do you believe in this thing that my doc says? that i will need years?
i wish my meds worked better… sometimes i have this terrible tiredness and i cant move from the coach. If i walk, i drag my feet and nothing helps me in that time…

Yeah you will need years.we all do.
Is up to you how much effort you put in to make those years better

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It is taking me about 7 years but i am just now starting to recover.

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How many years you put to recover?

All of them


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8 years and counting

I feel a lot better but I haven’t taken my life in hand yet. I’ve been medicated over 20 years.
The early days were the worst. Most meds didn’t work at all. I’m glad and thankful that the darkest days are over.


I don’t think I’ll ever recover, since my doctor said I can’t take antipsychotics due to heart side effects.


It’s been less than a year and my negatives have already gotten a lot better. One day three months ago I started noticing how nice the light shining through the trees was. Then a few days later I could feel my full range of emotions. Every month after that I got new improvements like better handwriting and less tiredness. I haven’t read about anyone else on here that has had similar experiences though… has anyone else had this?


I’m sorry to hear that i hope someday you experience symptom relief

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Did you have some life for those years? I guess some form of life helps… mine is very few tbh…

Jackie, its already good that you can live without meds. I need mines to even stay alive you see. There are other ways to recover - cbt can be good cause it will help you to realize your activity. I find activity is good for us schizophrenics. Dont get sad, meds are not a miracle too…

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Tukey, if we have what? Sorry, i didnt get this… the pleasure from life? Emotions? For me its hard on this still… it misses me… but i think i have less of my hellish schizophrenic energy which i was feeling before…it wasnt a good energy, it was some kind of somatic waves who were quite scary and tormentic…

Yes. Ive had gradual disapearance of some symptoms. Like flush or wave of happuness feeling at random. At the sounds of birds. The sunshine and warmth of the day. The quiet backround hum of trafgic making me feel alive and part of the world. Less fearful. I can cope better with going out to do things. Less distressed that i feel ppl are bullying or harassing me. More peace. More calm. More gentle. Less anger. More normal. More in control. Less panic. Not sure why, could be various factors.