As above, when would you ‘throw in the towel’?
Slow down your brain. Ask yourself that question. wait for the first thoughts. see what they say. ask further question and follow the Automatic thoughts. when you arrived at the bottom of them ask yourself again that question, this time answer honestly. that’s therapy. it takes a little work.
My brain is knackered at the moment. Nothing left. Thoughts are meaningless and not under my full control
I tried for 9yrs then gaveup but maybe its a good thing if you keep trying.
There just does not seem to be anything left driving me anymore. It’s what has got me through the last 10 years.
Now I am stuck with a tricky decision to make
The job I have now has a lot of potential, so if I give it up now, I have to be absolutely sure that I will not swing back around and end up worse off because of it
I would only quit your job if you’re 100% sure. If not, wait.
I am not sure I can be 100%
That’s something you have to answer for yourself, but if you are serious about getting on disability look for documentation that says you can’t hold down a job and you probably won’t be able to in the future. Talk to a lawyer about it.
You arent on dissability?
I get a non-means tested payment once per month, but will have to stop working to get the full amount
Have you considered working part-time?
I could do that, but if I start down that route in my current job I will be excluding myself from opportunity that’s coming up
Do what’s right for you. I hope you don’t care anymore about the rat race. That’s something psychosis learned me. To not care.
In the UK can you work part time and receive disability at the same time? That’s what I am doing, I’m in Ontario, Canada. Maybe that would be less stressful.
I’m in the opposite situation I haven’t been working for 3 years and I’m about to try but only part time
Are you just stressed? Maybe you’re doing better than your think at your job?
Or is doing the job well stressing you out? Then take it easy and do it badly or mediocre; just enough so they don’t complain. Because you were great at landscaping, you did an excellent job. Maybe you’re doing better then you think at your job and you just have to figure out how to do it without stressing out and causing symptoms.
Very early on ---- DO NOT take crap from anyone, your happiness is number 1 and it’s not worth doing anything that is miserable
Find a job that suits you personally, when you find it, run away with it.
Furthermore, I’m on SSDI — it pays rent n car insurance — I have food stamps, and work very part time, I’m doing great! Maybe consider a setup like that?
Maybe after I’m dead. Maybe. Might come back as a zombie just for the lulz.