How many times have you been banned?

Almost got banned for dropping a load of fbombs one time.


they used to hurl spitwads into the ceiling, and all I cared about was lunch next period, I was starving.


Iā€™ve never been banned and I donā€™t ever expect to.


once is all I can remember for telling someone not to talk to meā€¦bad ideaā€¦cost me three days. I am polite as I can be now.

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I canā€™t say if I have been banned or not - I donā€™t know.

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Youā€™d know. Youā€™d get logged out and get a message when trying to log in.

no I am saying over the years - I donā€™t think I have at all this time on here. My memory sucks really bad.

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Good workā€¦but I understand we all go through stuffā€¦so if I ever do get mod banned again I wonā€™t be mad Iā€™ll just have to learn from itā€¦

I like turtles. :blush:


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