How many times do you masturbate a day?

On Abilify 6 times a day. Now on 6mg Risperdal a few times a week, not everyday.

My soldier rarely stands at attention.


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For a long time it was at least once a day. I could still keep up the one a day but I don’t have privacy anymore ontop of ed.

As Im getting older, I found it disturbing, because, as for me, you must have picture of someone in your head.
I wonder how this person would feel about that.

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Ssri’s and antipsychotics have mostly killed my sex drive.

Uhh… I went like a year with no masturbating. But this last month or so, I’ve been trying to “relearn myself”. Not daily. Like a couple of times per week. I want my sexual functioning to not be so bad.


The psych meds have absolutely decimated my libido…I just have no concept anymore of sexual gratification. A few years ago I was prescribed testosterone shots and, omg, I was going at it 3-4 times a day! That was almost an obsession! Unfortunately, the testosterone had to stop cuz it triggered the psychosis.

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Can’t you buy a magazine to help you?

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I didn’t know it could do that. Learning new things everyday.

I thought you hit the “nail” on the head … The biggest problem with living with schizophrenia is not being able to feel emotion and a little pleasure here and there sure helps ease the feeling of emptiness.


This is news. I thought I would be the lone soul or two choosing not daily. I was surprised to see all the people who chose this one. If there had been a one a month or so selection, I would have picked that.

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Not often after all the damage I did to myself in my 20’s.

It’s half worn down and chapped in scar tissue.

It has left me a stub of a man.

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Since dropping my dose of invega my sexual function has come back with a vengeance, but I have to go back up in dose due to some symptoms that have peeped back up.

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It won’t help. I feel sex is something I need to share. Masturbation is like sex on my own. It is depressing for me

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Sex and masturbation are definitely very different.

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Now actual sex stresses me out.

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I feel the same way, @kxev,even when I’m drunk to ’ loosen inhibitions’

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