Do you think it shows?
I can’t always tell.
Do you think it shows?
I can’t always tell.
I smoke a couple times a day and have wine with dinner every night,
I think the habit has to be out of control for it to show.
I hope this isn’t going to become a glorification of alcohol and pot thread .
Be blessed. I wonder always if you have anything wrong with you.
I don’t smoke or drink
Compared to you maybe not. That’s not the same as saying I have no problems though. You don’t get to being a psych patient for 45 years without some degree of problems .
I quit all drugs and alcohol in 1990. Best thing I ever did for myself.
The way I was using drugs before I got clean, if I wouldn’t have quit I would be either in a mental institution, jail, or dead by now.
I smoke cigarettes. I don’t smoke pot or drink alcohol.
It shows red eyes and can’t walk a straight line
Since i know i have to take medication for the rest of my life which its like having a brain of a drunk. I decided that alcohol and pot in moderation doesn’t add much to my disease.
I don’t drink a drop of alcohol or smoke pot.
Maybe you want to trade places, I can’t say all I want to on here.
You got it easy, and I see that in many.
I drink every weekend.
Playing the pain Olympics is pointless. None of us have it easy or we wouldn’t be here.
well, you got two Likes, hope that makes you feel better.
How the feck do you know I’ve got it easy ?
And you got none. Maybe you’ll reconsider what you’re saying.
Good topic:japanese_ogre:
don’t give an f-ing sh=it, I know people with this illness drink and smoke pot.
Daze has attacked me before. She’s got form that way.