How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

I smoke a pack a day and I smoke every 30 minutes. Does anybody else smoke 1 cigarette every 30 minutes?


I sleep up to 10 hours a night

but when I’m awake, I can really go thru the cigs.

Never timed it though.

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Oh God I’m up to a pack a day. I smoke 100’s. They are ultra lite, any heavier and it hurts my lungs. I plan to cut back but it’s hard, when I get stressed with the illness. I plan to quit after I move. I’ve smoked off and on since 21, I can quit when I really put my back into it, but then again that was before sz.

I couldn’t quit so switched to vaping instead.


When im at home by myself i smoke every 40-70 minutes. When im around other smokers ill smoke as often as every 15 minutes.

I smoke 40 in a day… I know, its a lot, but if I am ultra anxious, I cant quit it… It sucks, I am poisoned in a way with this. This makes one cigarette every 15 minutes…

One every 30 minutes is more than a pack a day unless you sleep a whole lot.

I smoke two when I wake up in the morning and then one about every hour and after meals and I go through a pack a day easy.

My wife smokes 3 packs a day.

Usually 6-8 cigs unless I’m super intense. Then could be almost a full pack.

How much money does one pack cost. Just curious.

In Canada around $15. Much less in usa

$4/pack for non-filter 305 (Florida)

When I smoked it was every 20-30 minutes

I was a heavy smoker; I couldn’t stop. Somehow I got stopped, and now I’m trying to protect my quit.


Used to be two packs a day before I quit.

When I used to smoke I would try timing my cigs and ended up smoking more after I quit timing them…day 65 on my quit…wouldn’t go back ever now if it was still tempting…I still crave them and it’s hard to see someone smoking but I am happy for now.


I smoke about 100g of rolling tobacco a week. Not sure how many that is though.

I smoke 40 cigs a day. I roll them myself. Yeah… I know. :grin:

What method did you use to quit?

I really hate admitting this, but I smoke 25 cigarettes a day. I always used to say when I was younger that I didn’t want to be an old lady and still smoking - and here I am.

Cigarettes for a packet of 30 are $47.00 Australian dollars. That is about $34.00 USD.

Almost 2 packs 666!999