How is it that

We can ever plan for the future, and commit.

Never will we know what’ll happen to us, and the future is very uncertain

By time we figure out our own minds we’ll be long dead.


I just started a new job, and I don’t know how long I will have it for. Now I am trying to borrow more money from the bank to get a bigger place, but how am I supposed to commit myself to spending more on living expenses, when I have no idea when my head will explode again, or I end up in financial ruin?

Sometimes I wish I’d rolled over and let the State scratch my belly and make it all better, but here we are.

Why? You don’t sound well

Why don’t I sound well? How can you hear me?

This is supposed to be funny or something?

Yeah its ■■■■■■■ funny isn’t it? Glad your laughing because I am not impressed

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