How I am doing

Hey, all! I went to my gi doc and spoke with my gp.

I lost 7 more pounds
My oxygen set was 98 without external oxygen
I was very anemic in the hospital
I don’t have to take meds for diabetes
My BP was 90/60
My pulse was 110

They drew labs. We’re doing specialized testing.


Other than your pulse being fairly high everything else looks very good!

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I’m so excited that the way I eat put diabetes in a dormant state.
I’ve recently been taken off of blood pressure meds.
My pulse is always high, from anxiety.

Thanks, hon.

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I’m sorry, @JustTrish. I hope things start looking up soon. Please keep us updated.

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I’m actually pleased that something is getting better. I’ll take that, any day. :upside_down_face:

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That sounds like a pretty good report! Did you switch to a gluten free diet or is it a different diet that helped with your diabetes? I know my step dad went on a gluten free diet and it helped his but I also know not everything works for everyone

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I have diabetes, gerd, and gastroparesis. I had to see a nutritionist.
I’m still losing weight, but at a slower rate. I’ve lost 135 pounds since June of 2018.

:clap::clap::clap: hooray! So glad for you!

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I guess I should have mentioned that I wasn’t trying to lose weight. Being physically I’ll caused it. I did need to lose weight, though lol

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It’s the best when you don’t notice you lost weight

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My gal is on oxygen. I buy her pulse oximeters on E-Bay. She’s a rebel!


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Yes, it helped by just having the weight fall off. It’s a little unsettling and scary to try to keep weight on, but not being able to.

One of my Christmas gifts from my stepmom was a pulse oximeter. It’s been very useful. She’s so thoughtful. I love her to pieces. I wish your lady friend didn’t have problems, but I’m glad to hear that you’re there for her.

Hugs to you, both. :hugs:

@JustTrish I’m sure it can be but I’m sure your body will stop losing weight when it should

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