I am not functional. I’m around 15 percent with being functional…… compared to 100 percent. I can’t work because I am depressed, I hear voices and I get episodes. I can’t even shower the correct amount. I can’t handle doing something constructive, only very sometimes, with handling it. I can’t go out when I get these episodes….and I get depressed from these episodes. It takes a pretty long time to recover from these episodes.
I have a severe mental impairment, a few lumps in my arms and the odd scar. I’m fairly intelligent and would consider myself 85 % functional.
Id say im about 70% according to my own expectations. Room to grow for sure.
I’m totally a wreck
not very if i compare myself to other people. its not something i worry about tho because i dont really care what i do or dont do.
probably the biggest difficulty for me in living like other people is communication (talking and conversation) and listening (remembering to listen, and hearing other people talk). and also motivation and not caring. and paranoia.
its like to the point i can ask a question and within 1 or 2 seconds forget to listen for the answer…then i end up asking the question probably multiple times in short period. i know this because i am told i do it. and when someone talks to me i dont even notice and dont hear them. then i also feel i have nothing to say, mind is blank, hardly talk, talking feels hard. and memory is terrible.
but i cant give it a percentage…idk what it would be
Matched demographically against a non autistic and/or non schizoaffective person of the same age, level of intelligence etc I don’t do well at all.
I’m disabled by paranoia and voices episodes anxiety and foot pain that seems to flare up when stressed and anxious. The foot pain has been going on for around three years but it’s becoming a pest now. So no I’m not functional
I seem to be paralyzed by laziness which I believe is just the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
Coffee makes it worse. And I like coffee.
I am functional in that I can take a shower before work, complete the job duties requested of me and manage my finances. However, I do have a physical disability as well as schizophrenia which is my mental health disability. I can drive to & from client premises for work orders & I am getting married.
I get myself to work, make and keep doctors appointments, do half the chores in the apartments, run errands and take care of any problems that come up. So I’m functional enough to live on my own. A social life is sorely lacking though, it’s not that I can’t have one, it’s that I don’t want one. I’m not sure how functional that makes me, maybe 65-75%? Maybe?
Not at all. Better than nothing.
I’m falling to pieces like a crumbly piece of dark Rye bread.
I agree with these statements which also reflect on me as well. My real-life social life is non-existent whereas my online Internet social media life is very active.
Also, I give myself a 75% functional rating.
I’m 20p short of a pound sometimes
@Jake i find you make great topics to be discussed on tis site
I can pat my head while I rub my tummy.
I second @san_pedro 's statement about @Jake as well…
Thank you for the compliment.
I’m functional as far as taking care of our dog and doing chores. I don’t know how well I would do if I had a job because it’s hard for me to talk to people.
Thank God I’m still able to masterbate.