Or do you just ignore them?
I stay away. will back out of a thread with a quickness.
If it’s something specific that’s bothering you, maybe you could talk about it. But there are some things you can’t change about a person and if you feel they can’t change, just ignore them and find happiness somewhere else.
I abstain any comments especially when someone comes on here and seems false.
I just avoid the drama and the threads. I used to like confrontation back in the day but ultimately it just wastes time and energy you can use on other folk.
I let go of stupid things or misunderstandings. I just don’t worry about it and move on. I treat each post as a new post and don’t judge based on past experience because we are all mentally ill and some forgiveness and understanding is needed by all of us. I don’t always have something to say but that doesn’t mean I dislike someone. Also I either ignore posts I don’t understand or let the poster know I don’t understand. Someone once made me really upset on this forum but I was over it by the next day. I would want someone to forgive me if I were really upsetting them.
I either try to ignore them or forget I don’t enjoy them.
However, if the person keeps complaining about the same issues over and over, I might give them a talking to. I can’t help myself.
I still try to help if I can. I figure we’re all here cause we need support.
I help out when and if I can. If I dont offer support to a member its not because i dislike them, but because I cant relate to their experience or I’m just not active.
I’ve learned not to hate anyone, as it creates more problems for myself.
I always advise people to just ignore the folks who get under their skin. We’re a big community, and some people will naturally like or dislike each other. It’s not any one person’s responsibility to give support to every other person. Everyone has people they gravitate towards or away from. Just because you don’t want to interact with someone doesn’t mean nobody will. Someone will give them support.
i just ignore it, i try to keep to the positive threads
I try to practice nonjudgement. Try to remember everyone has a story and if theyre here its probably a very painful one that most people dont understand. So I try to be the guy who at least attempts to see where theyre coming from, even if they rub me the wrong way
Yeah, this about being nonjudgemental is great, but I think @GoldenRex means people who have a history of being jerks or entitled brats or trolls. i just think avoiding them is best for your own mental health.
There is no one on the forum I dislike but I seem to be drawn more to some and some I might avoid a little if they have written things
That are against my morals and beliefs and I don’t understand then I might keep a bit of distance .
Being a vegan and a wanna be animal rights activist I am as I am right now.
I do love you all though and I do believe in forgiveness but if someone does things I think are bad then I might not be “hanging with” or liking that person as much on the forum.
Then there are some who do nt post that often. .
But I do love you all.
I can have a wicked and dark sense of humour and love that that is so permitted on the forum but when it’s serious I still believe in empathy and care but you can laugh about things that tortured you well I can .
Years later I can.
I believe I care for all of you.
It can be dangerous though if someone enjoys hurting someone I don’t know how to react to that so maybe keep some distance.
Love to ALL of you yo!
If a person is particularly vicious (which has happened several times) I cut off all contact. Most people who have gotten really personal in their attacks against me and destroyed my reputation almost inevitably turn out to be as*holes who do it to other people besides myself and that gives me validation that I did nothing wrong.
I’m not saying I’m perfect but I occasionally get people who say provocative things that hurt my feelings and I’m not saying I’m perfect or innocent but it is often odd to me that these little attacks seem to come out of the blue. I guess their anger at me festers for awhile before they lash out, lol. Did I mention I’m perfect?
I haven’t came across anything like that on this site yet. I’m just going to ignore them if it happens.
Enjoy is kind of a funny word to use. For some reason it reminds me of Silence of the Lambs when Anthony Hopkins wanted to eat the guys liver with some farve beans and a nice cayanti. “Yes, Clarice. I enjoyed his liver.”
I was going to say people you don’t like,
But that seemed a little harsh.
In that case, you get 5 points for being tactful.
I like everybody usually. I ignore people who hurt me intentionally.