How do you make yourself cry?

I’m depressed. I want to lay in bed and cry all day. I think a good cry would make me feel better. But I can’t cry. I haven’t been able to cry much since starting the perphenazine. It makes me pretty flat. But I want to cry. I want to feel that release.

What do you do to make yourself cry? Sad movies? Pain? I need ideas. I want to have a good cry.


The thing that works for me is when I watch the Romanian revolution from 1989.


I watched emoji the movie and cried little bit


I have no idea how to make yourself cry but i totally understand not being able to. I have been that way for years. Even if i feel like i need to cry, it just won’t happen.


Cut some onions @LED


it is sad when similar pleasurable sensory perceptions are said to be alike.

I can’t cry either. It really bugs me, and I’m scared it makes me look callous.

There’s a song that makes me cry because it triggers so many bad memories, but I haven’t listened to it in 10 years.


You don’t have to feel like a waste of space
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

I don’t feel like a waste of space.

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Cant cry either, the worst thing about the medication. Cant laugh as I used to.


I don’t think it’s good to cry it can make yourself feel worst and get deeper into depression

Me the same.can’t drain a tear.:sleepy:

Be strong repeat yourself

I can cry and laugh in inappropriate times

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Meditate on beads on each bead tell something positive

Shopping at superstore makes me cry. Otherwise I don’t really cry. Occasionally a sad video makes me teary but I don’t actually cry.

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This video makes me teary eyed

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Same I am usually unable to cry even when I feel horrible. The only things that seem to let me cry are substances (ie like alcohol) or people. I can talk about a painful topic to myself and not cry but as soon as I bring it up to another person it’s like I can’t control the floodworks. It’s crazy. Like I need other people to be able to actually express emotion.

It made me really hesistant to share anything for a long time though because it shocked me when I’d suddenly start crying or shaking.


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