How do you hear your voices?

I hear mine through like dogs barking and birds chirping, just little frequency’s in the air.

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I hear mine in the silence, or against white noise like a fan hum or TV static, or cars passing by.


I hear my voices in my head all the time. They are like my own thoughts except I can’t control them and they seem to come from someone else.


I hear them either in my thoughts or from a fan or some sort of background noise. Sometimes through music. Now on my medicine they’re mostly just in my thoughts.

When I was hearing, it was people’s voices would turn into other dialogue, in my own head, fans etc, I remember the fridge talking to me at work and also the store music singing to me, those work times were when the voices were still funny at first so it was pretty entertaining. But not in hindsight

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My English voices talk to each other inside my head while the two German voices talk to me outside my head… they’re the mean ones and start commands when I get sick. The English two never told me any names while the German ones are Tenzin and Argentum-61. My voices are there all the time but sometimes loud music can drown them out. For some reason the two languages never speak to each other.

Mine are internal which are technically referred to as thought insertion. As a child, I generally only heard (external) voices/weird sounds in absolute silence. It made me scared of silence so I always had to have some sort of white noise. I still always like to have white noise even though I don’t get audio hallucinations anymore outside of sleep paralysis.

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I hear them through my ears. Is that odd? I have never heard of internal voices. Couldn’t that just be thoughts? I do also get text messages in my head that say who they are from. I have tried thinking of them to make them appear but I can’t put it together fast enough like when I get them. I also see my visual hallucinations through my eyes so it’s not like I am dreaming but I feel like I am in a dream as sometimes the scenery changes too.

Fortunately none of this happens when I take my meds as prescribed. I haven’t hallucinated since February and I think it was because I forgot my morning dose of Geodon.

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Wind noises, screams, and mumbled, short conversations.

Some are in my head others are in my ears.

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Mine is an incoherent dude who just likes to say garbled nonsense. The other is female but I can’t hear her over the dude. And then there’s drums.

Edit: They seem internal mostly now.


My voices in hear in my head. Either thought insertion or silent but spoken. Like a spectrum with thought insertion on one end and voices on other. Ranging from silent whispers to silent screams.

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Do you ever hear things that you can hear but they’re on the inside of your ear instead of the outside?

I hear both voices and music. The music is internal, or inside my head, most of the time. Voices are usually external, or outside my head, and are stimulated by white noise from a space heater or fridge. I hear as many as six voices at once, both male and female. They mostly are in a language foreign to me. Also, the voices are not directed at me, have nothing to do with me – so far. I sometimes hear music externally, and with a singing voice. It’s really amazing how our brains can manufacture such complex stuff. Intrusive, if you allow it to be. I know they’re unreal, so I ignore them.

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