I was just wondering if people hear voices in their head (like thoughts) or in their ears? Personally, I hear voices in my head. This makes me feel like I don’t have Schizophrenia. I feel like I have angles/demons/spirits who live in my body. Thanks!
Head only. I am fairly certain the one and only
Voice I hear is coming from an old friend. The other voices I hear on a blue moon I believe are from this old friend impersonating other friends. I believe it is due to being semi telepathic but for some reason being unbalanced prevents me from having control over who and how someone hears my thoughts. I feel my other friends know this and choose to not communicate with me telepathically but one old chooses to ignore this because he is a jackass
In my head but it’s not my thoughts but Alien’s thoughts. (The man in my head). I hear his thoughts voice and laughter, he has cronies that laugh with him and sometimes there’s a female voice in my head too. It gets busy up there sometimes!
Mine usually sounds like they’re coming from right behind me. Or I also get whispers coming from vents, behind doors, that sort of thing. I never knew internal voices could be considered hallucinations. I thought they were intrusive thoughts or whatever. But I guess I might have both? I don’t really know. I definitely hear stuff externally, though.