How Do You Feel About Mirrors

This week I have had a few more symptoms than a typical week. I’m taking today off from work to let my brain rest and get back to “normal”

I was wondering if anyone else has issues with mirrors. They bother me and I don’t like looking in them. I’m always slightly afraid that my reflection is actually another person and the room is another identical world. I can dismiss the thoughts but I still avoid mirrors. Just mirrors, reflections in other things don’t bother me at all.


I’ve suffered from depersonalisation and derealisation so I can relate to your experiences.


I don’t like what I see, never have


I can relate to this in a ton of peripheral ways. I’ll put it this way, I’m someone who knows what the word dysmorphic means.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson came out with a quote recently, he said “You can kiss yourself in the mirror, but only on the lips.” I don’t know if hearing that jogs anything loose.

Another thing is Arcade Fire’s song “Reflektor” personally I don’t find it triggering bc I know the topics at hand are being romanticized and plus it’s happening to someone else.

I have a deeper more personal aspect about this that might relate but it’s kind of tragic/depressing and I don’t want to go there necessarily…

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I don’t recognize my face in the mirror.

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Ive got one small mirror i just use in the bath for shaving. The rest are in the boiler room - i dont like my reflection. When i was ill and un-medicated, i had dark shadows behind me when i looked at one - and its put me off ever since.

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