How do you deal with leg chafing

This days I suffer a lot from thigh chafing.

I´m overweight, and I started doing more activity because the beginning of my lessons. That, combined with the heat and whatnot, I couldn´t walk properly for 3 or 4 days.

I applied some baby powder today, and it went better but still I couldn´t walk properly. I think baby powder is better for preventing than dealing with it…

Who else suffer from thigh chafing? What do you do when it happens?

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I don’t, but I have seen others recommend chafing cream.

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Try these


oh yeah. when i was overweight i got that. hurts and you can’t really walk properly. Baby powder or gold bond? If I don’t shower I have fungal problems that have the same result. too much information i know.

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I will try chafing cream instead of baby powder…

If the problem persists I´ll try different underwear

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Chafing cream helped a bit, but the problem will continue to be a problem until you get the weight down.


When I was very obese, i wore bike shorts under my clothes and that stopped it. Had to order them online in my size but they really worked.

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I do not possess the coveted thigh-gap so heavily revered amongst Instagram models, so yes, my thighs do touch.

…The horror, I know :scream: :sweat_smile:.

During the hotter months, I’ll swipe some deodorant on my inner thighs and then pat some powder on them as well— the deodorant keeps any sweat at bay, and the powder reduces friction.

As a word of caution: if you’re looking for a good body powder, try one without talc— as it’s a pretty controversial ingredient that may have links to certain cancers found particularly in women.


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