How do I not worry so much about my looks

I guess I should not care about my physical uniqueness too. And like someone said just look for the happiness in the moment. Not overfocus on myself.
Looks don’t matter so much.

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I guess I need to learn to love me for how I look. And am.

I’m good enough. I’m worth it. I’m beautiful. Everyone is beautiful. Everyone is uniquely beautiful


You are beautiful! Weight doesn’t matter. You’re on meds that make you gain. Even if I saw your pic, I’m sure you’d be beautiful to me!



I think you have a really great personality. It wouldn’t matter how you looked I’d still take you out on a date if you wanted because you’re really sweet and cool :sunglasses:!! When it comes to looks, it’s like hard to describe what totally physical attracts me to a woman. But I like girls less skinny and moreso medium or even a few extra pounds Sometimes. I haven’t seen you so I can’t judge your looks really. But I think you’re one of the most down to earth posters if it means something. Peace!! And take care.

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I’m all about the tacos.



I’ve felt ugly most of my life, voices don’t help. But when I try to feel pretty Ill do my hair, toss on something cute, and maybe do my make-up. It’s rare and far between, and usually doesn’t work for long

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That’s a good way to look at things! I’m thankful for the people in my life who always have nice things to say.
Surround yourself with good people. If not in your real life then us on here!
We are all so unique and that counts for a lot! :star_struck:


You should still take pride in how you look, just don’t compare yourself to others.

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I stopped looking in the mirror and stopped judging myself. You always look somehow. I always try to hide my gut by pulling my shirt down 20 times a day.
I felt embarrassed about my looks. But i am born that way for a reason. I am a pink elephant in the porcelainshop and i got to accept it.

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Well, that’s not exactly what I meant. It’s perfectly fine to love how you look physically in addition to loving your character or personality, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to change things about yourself. What I meant was you shouldn’t have to worry about how others perceive your looks. You don’t have to think you’re perfect in order to love yourself. And if you do want to change how you look some, that’s fine too. It’s just that it should be something that you truly want, not the result of an illness or something you feel would make others happy.


Yea I didn’t say that very well in the post you just highlighted me in Circleoffifths. I think what I meant was for me not to be obsessive about looks but yet can make effort at my own pace, in my own way.
Thnks Circle :slight_smile:

Haha yea I strech my t-shirt that is my thing.

You’re not ugly to me. I’ve seen ur pictures too.

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thanks Gratitude, I feel so flattered. :blush:

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Aw that means a lot :blush:

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My teenage girls are insecure and self conscious. So I always tell them…

By the time you are 30, you won’t care what others think about you…so why not start now? :wink:


When I was young, I kinda looked like Brad Pitt on crack. Now sadly, I just look like crack! :joy:


Haha I’m sure u look fine.
Dunno wat bradd Pitt on crack is meant to look like

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I looked good when I was younger, just a little rakish and rough around the edges.

I’ve gained weight on the meds, but at 53 years of age I’ve stopped worrying about my looks long ago. My friends, family and loved ones are all cool with my appearance, and that’s good enough for me! :sunny:

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Thank you, that’s kind of you to say, voices can be rough on me

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