How Did You Stumble On This Forum?

I came recently. But, I found it by googling “schizophrenia forum”.

And I searched for that because I had been trying to find someone who could relate to me. No one at my current support groups could and I needed something specific to schizophrenia and not just all mental health (though I still participate in those local groups). Plus, I’m staying away from Facebook, so I didn’t check there.

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Same, i searched that on google and here i am.

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After I was told my diagnosis was sz, I googled schizophrenia support groups online and this site came up

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For me, I was about to explode with anxiety and confusion and how crazy I felt after i got diagnosed. Finding out my delusions were all false was really a shock to me. I have lost a lot of things whilst psychosis… I really wanted somebody to talk to about it.

I searched “schizophrenia forum” and I’ve came across here. It was such a relief to know that I wasn’t the only one that went through surreal experiences.

The membership system and badges here is fun😄


My therapist found this forum for me. I recently joined the forum, and I let my therapist know too. I think she is happy that I joined.


While searching for sza info. Stuff popped up on Google and I checked it out.

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I was looking for a symbol of schizophrenia for a tattoo, also was looking for what color the schizophrenia ribbon is. I already had a comedy/tragedy masks tattoo on the back of my right shoulder, as a symbol of my struggles with the bipolar side of my schizoaffective disorder. I wanted something for the back of my left shoulder that would be a symbol of my battles with psychosis. Anyway, I think I googled “schizophrenia symbol” or maybe it was “schizophrenia tattoo.” I just happened to get a search result from a forum thread.

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Googling some questions after a mental break. Doing random research. Site popped up a few times answering my questions. Lurked for a while before I made an account.

Very happy I found this place.


I searched for schizophrenia message boards when I needed help and this was the only one with constant new posts. Other boards had like days between posts.


was searching google about a specific symptom hallucination/delusion. i think it was helpful to know im not the only person who has these kind of symptoms

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I started looking into schizophrenia and psychosis back in 2016 when I first developed auditory hallucinations. I don’t think I was actively looking for a support group, but I was floored to see this place existed and was an active forum. Decided to join because I wanted people to relate to and get advice from regarding my practically lifelong SZ-spectrum symptoms.


I had relapsed and had just gotten insight into my illness. My mind started to clear up but I was still pretty mentally sick. So I decided to educate myself on this illness and read and researched as much as I could and this website gave me a lot of hope for the future. I saw that I wasn’t the only one dealing with this illness and felt relieved that I had answers to a lot of problems that I was dealing with.

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I was reading about people who overcame their prognosis. Decided to join and ask what happens for people, and just felt welcome and safe. Deleted the other account, but I still use my name so I’m still identifiable.

I don’t even think it has been a year of use. May have been though.

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“Schizophrenia/schizophrenic forums” internet/google search.


I was looking for advice online for an anti-oxidant supplement from and exotic tropical fruit that I can’t remember the name of. It was supposed to help sz, after two months I broke out in red spots on my head and stopped taking them. I’ve been on the site since.


Simple really. Just got diagnosed schizophrenic - and googled it to here. Was on a few facebook sites - but the amount of misinformation on them was bad, and many people were trolling on them.

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Like most people I googled it. I was super paranoid about it at first but that got better over time. It’s nice to know there are people who get it.


I stuck around because its hard to find good forums really. People are so rude.


I was searching for schizophrenia support groups. There aren’t much support available for people with psychosis in my country and if there is one my mom won’t send me there.