How did you get this illness?

I believe mine was caused by drugs

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I blame my childhood and genetics.


i was born sick

all the other factors (genetics, drugs, environment, trauma) didn’t help either though.

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I’m a product of congenital disease; fathers side. Over the years during childhood I did use drugs to cope, with no a veil for it to just return. On the plus side, there’s plenty funny stories of my grandmother talking to Jesus himself telling her to practice black magick.

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I knew too much.


I’m not sure why I have it. No other family members have it. There was always something “off” about me, I was never “right”. I began hallucinating in my twenties, paranoid even from adolescence. Then first full-blown psychosis at 33.

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Can anyone explain psychosis scientifically?

I think schizophrenia is caused by DNA mutation. It is not necessarily predictable how a person will react since there is no normal DNA only popular and common.


I felt I knew too little. Lack of insight was something I’ve always been searching to go past.

My reality was so disillusioned I had zero insight into the nature of reality, which is the one thing that drugs has HELPED me with. I feel I’ve gotten insight from drugs into the nature of reality. Something I was lacking at the beginning of this illness.


If I could say looking back over the ten years of being diagnosed with a type of mental illness, I was in the best states of mind before I was 21 and that was before I had ever drank or anything else.

Right now I don’t drink. I am also starting tomorrow smoke-free.

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i tripped over a schizophrenic twig :christmas_tree: … :boom:
take care :alien:


Acid triggered it.


Same here. Im can tell that symptoms are building; especially the positives (hallucinations). Im only 16 and it started when I was 14, but no one in my family has had any major neural diseases.

Mine was due to a premature birth I’m sure. I was two months under-due when I was born, and born in a small rural area, they had to hellicopter me to a bigger hospital, even there my parents was told I’d probably wouldn’t make it out of the hospital alive.And now look at me…I guess I should be grateful I’m alive, but my question is why? I’m feeling extremely depressed tonight, I’m super…worse I’ve felt in a long time…I have to go find something to keep my mind off of attempting to hurt myself…i’m not one prone to do that, never cut before but the image has been playing in my head tonight.

My childhood and stress caused it. I have a first cousine with sz though. So it’s in our genes.

I also have two uncles that are missing. They were a bit “crazy” I was told as a kid. Nobody knows about where they are.


I went to a political conference and didn’t wash my hands afterwards.


It’s really hard to say. I would say genetics, but no one in my immediate family or among my other relatives has ever been schizophrenic. I had one great aunt who was depressed, and that’s all. I can see the seeds of my illness in my childhood before I had any pronounced symptoms. I believe alcohol played a role in my illness. There were things in my childhood that were the source of a lot of unhealthy stress.

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Why torture yourself looking for this answer?
You could spend your life looking for this answer, but why?
You are alive, why not just accept the fact that you did survive and focus more on living
rather than looking for a reason that may not exist?


I think it started off as psychotic depression.

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