How did you come to the conclusion you're unwell?

Still struggling to come to terms to it when I have a so called delusion that staff point out or negative symptoms


It takes time to accept but interacting with fellow sufferers help normalize it and accept it.

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Yes as I see fellow suffers it makes me think hey that’s what happens to me :confused:

I was struggling with function. Getting on meds normalized me enough that certain things became less of a problem. I always suffered from racing thoughts and a central thought/voice that commented on everything I did. I was pretty sedated at first but I realized that some things weren’t what others experienced.

It takes time. It really does. Best thing is to take the meds and stay with life. Friends and family are good for getting a level on things. Modern life can be pretty isolating so keep fighting for better function!


Yes I’m struggling with function and see alot of things in others suffering that I have but I guess I still dont think I’m that ill. I told my nurse about things and she says I’m paranoid and they’re coincidences I dont see it that way :confused:

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In some ways i still haven’t come to terms with it. I force myself to do things that i could probably have done quite easily if i didn’t have schizophrenia, but with it i’m mentally drained by the end of the day. I just don’t want to admit that i have a disability. I just don’t want to admit that i’m unwell.

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Time helps. Take the pills and you’ll get some perspective. These boards have some really good people who’ve been through it all before.

Coincidence and meaning where there is none is the curse of the schizophrenic or psychotic. It does get better so hang in there. I still remember vividly that birds were being trained to keep tabs on me. I eventually got to a point where that seemed pretty far fetched and not plausible. IT’s not easy but hang in there.


I’m in the middle of freaking out and trying to hold it together. Death is following me and it’s very terrifying. I tried to talk to the staff and they calmly say oh you’re being paranoid. I guess I come on here as you guys seem to be the only ones to understand me not necessarily means I accept the illness. I guess I dont accept anything right now but the horror that engulfs me

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I too :frowning:

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Are you currently at a mental health facility?

I’m in a supportive accommodation home. Staff here between 8am-10pm

I came to that conclusion due to severe insomnia, and voices that would not go away along with the fact I had failed at everything i had tried to do including 2 attempts to work as a security guard.

They are professionally trained they’re support workers

Sorry to hear the staff arent understanding, I find nurses seldom are only psychiatrists and psychologists seem to understand

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I’ve tried to have several jobs and whatever I do I cant keep them. It’s too much effort and I get bad intrusive fast thoughts

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They just like go watch something nice cause I was watching the news unintentionally and it was freaking me out

News is usually not very uplifting I find cartoons help when I am psychotic.


I’m watching the simpsons but it still involves death so I’m like :frowning:

If I watch non animated programs I feel like the actors are penetrating my mind in alot of them

I dont get that but do get it that the voices are watching the shows with me and tell me to change what I am watching and what to watch. Id get this when psychotic and watching youtube.

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