I know there’s always someone with a story about how marijuana has ruined their life, but a lot of people can do it and nothing bad happens. Others are prescribed it for medicinal use. Similarly there are plenty of stories about how alcohol ruins a life but some people can handle a glass of wine now and then at dinner without becoming addicted.
I use to use cbd oil. But the tiny bottles that were 35 dollars apiece only lasted a week and half.
Not sure how exactly I want to word this. I do not encourage people with schizophrenia or any illness on the psychotic spectrum to smoke marijuana, because it can and will cause psychosis in LITERALLY anyone if enough is used. It lowers the threshold for hallucinations. However, in small doses I have seen the anti-anxiety effects reduce stress levels enough that hallucinations have stopped. So yes, smoking pot could technically help a psychotic disorder by relieving anxiety- but you are really really playing with fire. I’d encourage looking elsewhere.
exactly. why play with fire when you’ve already been burned by the torch of schizophrenia.
Like i have mentioned before - i smoked it for years and found it helpful - the only downside was very slight paranoia but i easily coped with that. I was aware the THC tho probably wasnt doing much good tho - and it was costing me a pretty penny each month so i quit and use CBD oil instead now that its become widely available in the uk.
My pdoc told me it was the weed
The thing is when you decide to try it can you can really guarantee it’s not going to have a negative effect? Are you that much of a ‘psychic’ ?
It seems you might strike lucky and you might not. If you don’t strike lucky then the consequences aren’t trivial.
lol you couldve smoked it illegally first like everyone else wont be any different lol
This is what I use it in place of.
Since I am unmedicated I can’t determine whether or not it causes hallucinations because I have them with or without it anyways.
It does relax me and I appreciate that effect from it.
I smoke once or twice a month. I feel it helped me during my early years of the illness. Mostly with depression. Now I view it a little more like alcohol. In excess it isn’t very helpful. Smoking once in awhile helps me mellow out and get rid of anxiety for a moment. I don’t think I’ll continue smoking after I finish what I have left. As for the mental illness and marijuana chat, I think it shouldn’t be recommended for people with a mental illness as it may mess with antipsychotics. I know it’s hypocritical of me. I think in excess it’d slow me down and leave me paranoid. Fortunately I only smoke a bowl now when I do smoke. I try to avoid smoking it twice in a week. Also the two main strains, I handle indica pretty well and usually prefer it to sativa.
Not as much fun with the naughtiness removed. I swear beer never tasted as good after I turned eighteen.
haha true! the renegade days
That reminds me… Got some Bolivar Coronas Juniors in the humidor. Think I will spark one up and bask in the glow of Squirrelette’s disapproval.
Marijuana isn’t harmless, but in many ways it is less dangerous than alcohol. You are impaired when you smoke weed, but not nearly as badly as when you drink alcohol. You’re probably not going to become violent when you smoke week. With alcohol there is a good chance you will. They’re right about the psychosis from weed part. Personally, I don’t like the high of marijuana. When I smoke it I do it just to be sociable. Alcohol is my drug of choice, God help me. It’s been almost two years since I last drank.
It’s funny cause u get so pissed when someone says they going off meds yet u condone weed.
It’s basically a gamble in the same way that chronic smokers gamble–are the potential adverse health effects worth the boosts? Some say yes; others say no. Some develop psychosis from smoking weed; others don’t.
In my case, I would like to be a medical user in my state so I can select low THC strains specifically. The act of smoking combined with the effects of the herb make my dissociation go away and life becomes tolerable. I don’t get anxious. I can work on projects and focus. Do you know how incredible that is? On the downside, my psychotic symptoms temporarily worsen until I come down. Obviously the THC is causing that, so I would like to lower the THC content but still enjoy the same feeling.
I’m gonna trigger some people, but I think you need revaluate your life if you smoke weed. It causes so much harm and nothing good that therapy can’t help with
fine if you don’t like me…I don’t know if you like staying on your meds…you don’t have to like me…I don’t think I like you either.
glad i dont smoke anymore, smoking is for losers lol ‘just saying’
Smoking is not for losers.
I got my degree on cannabis,
I also maintain a job smoking everyday.
Some would say I’ve managed to accomplish a lot being high.