How could I find a partner to my life

I have been single over 15 years since my divorce in America, somehow I just can not find a partner for myself.

How could I find a partner?

They have not even sent me ‘the divorce agreement’ from America although they promised to do so.

i would totally go out with you!!! :yum: Maybe you could go out more to make friends? Good luck on the divorce papers, you should follow up.

At the time in 2000 my spouse’s lawyer was already an older man and after these 15 years he is not practicing law any longer, he would be over 85 years old. Maybe I never get these papers.

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Can’t you hire another lawyer?

There is no need for another lawyer, I suppose I do not need these papers. Actually they should have mailed these papers to one address in Europe, but these have never arrived.

Didn’t you have to sign something? Donno. Good luck to you. You might meet someone who wants to marry you and you wouldn’t be able.

Well, what do you think? What options do you have in your town? Whay about some online dating site?

I suppose I have the same problem as so many other schizophrenics have, we are not so social in our private lives, there used to be the time when I followed an advice told by an older Jewish man who said ‘he is not actively looking for a partner, but it comes if it comes’, I suppose that after being over 15 years as a single man, I am not really looking for anybody. Yes, there are Internet dating sites but I have had bad experiences with one site so I do not try any other ones.

My cousin who is not schizophrenic seems to have much better luck with finding beautiful women as I saw his new fiancee few weeks ago.

You there on the sz forum seem to like my postings because I have soon 2500 likes. :smiley:

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And here is another one! :))
You know, one bad experience doesn’t make every other wrong.
Online dating is cool because you have a time to get to know person well, you both can take as much time as you need, no pressure, no physical tensions, no money spent Lol…
And if you take it easy you might find yourself surprised by results.

I do think that online thing is the best option for less sociable people.

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You could use your cousin as well.
Double dates, you know.