How can i stay calm

When i know im slipping into psychosis?

Im in school and working. It makes for over a full time schedule. Im also autistic and have schizoaffective disorder OCD and CPTSD. I was doing really well for months and have very high As.

Im panicking im going to lose it all. Im asking my professors for extensions so i can have more down time. But in still panicking.

Its also not a fun feeling like youre going literally crazy


You might need to be hospitalized? Don’t worry about school until you feel ok. School will still be there, but your health should be your priority. I would not deal with your symptoms alone and seek help ASAP from your psychdoc. You will lose it all if you don’t address your psychosis. Please seek medical help!

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I emailed my case manager so she can talk to my dr on friday. Im too paranoid to make phone calls to strangers

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You did the right thing by emailing your case manager. If you are very scared at the moment probably you can add the dose of your antipsychotics. Otherwise you just wait for your Pdoc.

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