How are you guys when it comes to social relations to the opposite sex?

Like are you guys confident or like are like socially awkward when it comes to dating and other stuff?

How are you when it comes to that relation of things?

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I grew up with brothers so was always very at ease with guys and had a ton of guy friends. Then around puberty I got really awkward and nervous around guys (that I was interested in I was still fine w guys I wasn’t) …then traumatic stuff happened and I just became flat out terrified of them and saw them as threats to be avoided whenever possible. And then after a looot of time and work I’m finally back to being able to socialize with guys normally.


I’ve never really dated. The first woman I saw as an adult I met as a day patient. My parents didn’t like her which made the relationship last longer than the level of connection between us warranted. It was very much at a teenage boy sees teenage girl thing rather than anything more serious. There was no petting or full sex.
My wife I met in hospital as an inpatient. We just hit it off without there being any actual courting/dating ritual. After knowing each other about 6 months she suggested us leaving hospital together and I agreed .

If I had to date someone I’d be completely lost .


Ooh how do you do that? I’m FTM and I’ve never actually had a real guy friend before. I want to be friends with guys, but every time I get found out I’m trans and bullied to no relent. This new school I made some guy friends but one person mistook me as a girl and now he bullies me, calling me a girl and ■■■■. Had to skip school a couple of times. Every time I see a guy I freak out and swerve away, usually because of last year when I was yelled obscenities on the sidewalk/bullied in the bathrooms for being trans.

The thing about guys is that they test dominance. I was never dominant, not even with girls. I’m not that kind of person. I don’t have it in me. I wish I wasn’t such a sensitive pussy


Yes unfortunately it’s very different making friends with guys if you’re a guy than if you’re a girl so I’d suggest asking other guys on here.

Okay, thanks I will try

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Well if you announce to people you are FTM you may limit your self with guy friends because most guys want to date women.

It’s very hard to just be a friend. It can work but you just have to be yourself male or female and tell them you just want to be friends. This is true no mater what sex or attractions you have.

I’m sorry that’s how you feel. It’s ridiculous how dominance is associated with being a man and being sensitive has always been seen as womanly. Its just needless gender roles that creates toxic masculinity so boys don’t know how to express their emotions in a healthy way.

I thought a lot about gender stereotypes, and now I just reject them entirely. When you get out of highschool you’ll find that a lot of people can grow and change their opinions about that kind of thing, and others are generally much more understanding and compassionate about trans* people. It’s a good thing that hate can be unlearnt.

Just remember a lot of people are at their PEAK of stupidity in highschool. They will look back on this time embarrassed and guilty for bullying others.


I probably socialize better with girls but I can be really nervy around them due to paranoia. Thinking that I might have an ulterior motive for being nice and funny I begin to censor my own behavior. With guys I don’t try nearly as hard, because I feel like I know everything about them.

I’m not afraid of women per se, I’m afraid of the humiliation and emotional upheaval which comes with rejection. Some of my most meaningful emotional bonds have been with women though, I tend to make them all hate me in the end because I try so hard to be unattractive.

So I find social relationships with women more rewarding but also more demanding than with men. I’m super nervy and paranoid around women who I find attractive unless I have popped 1mg ativan beforehand. It is really quite disabling.

I don’t tell anyone that. I don’t want anyone to know I’m trans


If I have plenty of money and time, then it’s fun. If not, then it sucks.

I see life like this. First you work really hard, and you get yourself financed and situated to live the rest of your life from your domain, and then you invite people in until you start to see who is who, where they fit, and where they don’t. Eventually with plenty of generosity and planning events and shindigs you find out there was someone in the making that you were meant for all that time you were working so hard to get life straightened out first.

I’ll tell you though. I work so damn hard, and I’ve been doing it for so damn long that I’m just not the fun type like this. If my works done, then I’m fun, and that is not long from now.

I have issues approaching people. Whether it be platonic or romantic.

I’ve never been in a relationship. I can’t believe anyone could love me anyways.

Shhh @Noise I love you


Some women like me. I wish more did i guess. i talk to women at work but nothing deep or in-depth. I always envy the guys who all women like. I’ll never get in that club.

For me there’s two levels when it comes to my interactions with the opposite sex. On one hand, when compared to the guys I see all day interacting with women I am very behind in my skills. But taking into consideration my extreme shyness growing up, and being below average in looks, and having little confidence. If I look at those obstacles, my standing with women in the past and still today is nothing short of a miracle. Considering my faults, I have done pretty good with women.

Please don’t talk about yourself like that, for confronting with dominant guys you shouldn’t be dominant too, there is many other ways, you shouldn’t be bad because they are,

Hugs brotherđź’–


Sorry I said brother, I didn’t understand your worlds fully,

Hugs whatever you are​:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

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I like guys but I’m very shy around them. My religion teaches modesty around the opposite sex except blood relatives and husband. So when I speak to guys other than my family, I am shy and lower my gaze and speak respectably.

When i realized i wount ever have kids i didnt care about the oppisite sex no more.

I like being friends with guys more than I like being friends with girls.
Guys seem more honest and stuff, EXCEPT when it comes to their intentions…

I’m a girl, and I have long hair and big boobs…
So guys often, after they’ve gotten past the “trust me”-phase, seem to tihnk it’s okay to make passes at me or playfully say stuff about my boobs and/or what they’d like to do to them, and it makes me uncomfortable.
I’ve always seen myself as one of the guys, and when I’m reminded that I’m not, for something that’s out of my control, I get a bit sad. I’m getting a bit sick of guys acting like they want to be my friend, only to turn around and make sexual innuendos at me once I start to let my guard down. I want to be treated like one of the guys always, not just sometimes.

But generally, once they realise they’re not getting any, the ones who don’t back away tend to be great friends.


No comment :smile:

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