šŸ‘  I bought even more shoes

I donā€™t know but having free time is not good.
I bought 3 new pairs of shoes :confused:

So I have bought in the last 8 days
7 pairs of shoes/


As long as it keeps you happy :slight_smile:

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yeah but I think I need to just not go shopping for a couple months :confused:

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Maybe take a break thenā€¦ Always time in the future :slight_smile:

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Lol, I have a pair of athletic shoes that I wear every day, but then Iā€™m a guy. I have a pair of black dress shoes, but Iā€™ve only worn those a couple times. I have a pair of beat up old semi-dress brown shoes, but those need to go in the trash.

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yeah :flushed: I own like 16 pairs of shoes already + this new 7 pairs :flushed:


I was at someones house picking something up and his wife had two full walls of shoes, there was at least 200 pairs

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thatā€™s the dream :smiley:

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I empathize! Online shoe shopping is my best friend, yet a nightmare to my wallet :sweat_smile:

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You will have to go barefoot on the 8th day :thinking:


What kind of shoes did you buy? I like good quality flip flops this time of year. I hope you can afford to buy these shoes.

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In other words, youā€™re a normal female.

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Iā€™m not arguing with any of it!

Iā€™m a three person shoes living dudeā€¦but Iā€™m maleā€¦

One pair of regular joggers for daily events. One pair of cricket spikes for turf wicketsā€¦One pair of dress shoes for weddings and such!

More power too you but what really do you need?

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I love womenā€™s feet. I wish I could come back in another life as a pair of womenā€™s shoes.

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I wore my favorite black boots every day for 6 years straight.
The were a pair of steel-toed black leather boots that were originally a pair of boot camp issued boots that someone never wore, so I did.
Wore a hole in the tops of the toes down to the steel.
Only paid $2.99 for them at Goodwill.

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I bought a pair of used army boots at the thrift store last Wednesday. Theyā€™re in good shape, but Iā€™m afraid that theyā€™re just a little too big, which would make hiking in them impossible. Theyā€™d rub my feet raw. Oh well, I can still wear them to mow the lawn and whatnot.


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I like the pink sneakers!

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