hello my sick mate. tell me how much the welder earns in your city
I did the conversion for my state and they make on average about 3586595.00 Ruble a year
@Chess24 that’s a really mean thing to say
Without welders the world would literally fall apart. Let’s refrain from putting down the jobs others have. Especially if you don’t work, that’s just rude.
It is better to be unemployed than to work in a bad job.
I don’t care what would happen without welders, because the objective of each individual is to look after
their own interest and not be slaves of society.
Depends on what you’re doing. I’ve seen dive team welders making $120,000 USD a year here in California.
FYI Ooorgle white collar people in the US(economists, lecturers, programmers, executives, members of congress) also make good money, and moreover they are a more appropriate way IMO to make the money.
I’m actually looking to by an arc welder if anybody knows a good model. Edit I bought an 240 amp converter welder but I haven’t taken it out of the box yet
…appropriate…? You don’t seem to grasp how infrastructure works. And your ideas of this Caste style system of one job being more appropriate, is just making you seem ignorant…
If you can imagine a world without blue collar work. Then you’re living in a fantasy, and if you are looking down on them, your just an ass
Actually I thought of a point to make… as I recently shared there exists an ‘event’ courtesy of Match(a dating site in the U.S.) called intro to welding where you break the ice by making a candle holder. It’s probably a profession that falls in the realm of romanticism and thus shouldn’t be talked down about!
I made 1000 euro last year on the farm after bills. I’m not working for money but it does weigh on me heavily and my brother wants to take land off me so I’m in the process Of giving it all up
Average welder pay in my city is $18 per hour.
Back in the days of the Clyde shipyards good welders we’re highly sought after and afforded much respect. To become an apprentice welder was highly thought of
when I was at university, my maths was excellent, as well as physics. I did not finish it due to my life situation. one of the teachers, having learned that I was working as a welder, said that I should graduate with two fingers. but you are not making bad money anyway. By the way, I earn a lot more than a math teacher. but it’s not the main thing, the main thing is that I like my work and I enjoy it
Lincoln, Miler. metal was welded with such devices when I worked for foreigners
in your opinion is it a lot or a little?
it’s good pay in my city. I think minimum wage is $8.55 in my state. Experienced welders can make up to $22 an hour at some employers. Skilled trades tend to bring in more money the more years of experience you have.
I really appreciate what your job done for our society. Keep up your good work.
The average salary for a welder is $14.49 per hour in West Virginia. @EldarfromRossia what is the monetary currency in Russia? We use dollars in the USA.
It would be 1060 Rubles per hour.
my salary per hour 370 p. More than average. the average salary per month in Novosibirsk is 35,000 p. I work in Yakutia a month later in a month and I get 110 000 r