Hi I'm new here and terrified

Hi everyone. I’m in my late twenties and am struggling to cope at the moment. I was diagnosed by one psyciatrist as having schizoaffective disorder. I say one because I was very good at lying to Doctors in the past, but most importantly really good at lying to myself. This was a diagnosis I was unwilling to accept, but I no longer have that option. I’ve never really been one to reach out for help, leaving things until they reach crisis. I’m trying to do things different this time and look for help before that. Anyways, my symptoms, mostly negative, have been getting worse and to top it off I recently got off Clonazapam. I feel raw, every stimulus is intense. I see everything in my peripheral vision, I hear every noise, my anxiety is out of fxxing control. It feels like the world is crashing in and I dont know what to do… I’m sorry for venting but I don’t know where else or anyone else to turn to besides an in patient treatment. It’s taking forever to get the ball rolling with a doctor and counseling blah blah blah, i realize i’m just rambling on woe is me stuff and i’ll just get to the point before this introduction turns into a novel. If anyone has any experience getting off benzo’s and coping with sza, and is willing to talk please contact me. I’m really scared. Thanks. Hopefully I can find some solace amongst this community.


Keep in contact with your Dr. make sure to tell him stuff. The community here is supportive. Especially if you’re having it rough. Keep talking to us.


You have to find a competent psychiatrist and work with him or her on a consistent basis.
Getting of a benzo is not easy, I wouldn’t attempt doing this on your own.
Listen and work with your doctor closely.
Don’t hesitate going to the ER if you are losing control and becoming a danger to yourself or others.

Welcome to this site!


Coming off benzos like cloneazepam is rough.

All you can do it wait it out.

What meds did they put you on for schizoaffective?

Please don’t lie to your doctors as then nobody can help you.


I too am coming off of benzos, it’s tough but you’ll turn out much stronger in the end.

Welcome to the forum !


Thanks, I moved recently and am seeking a new psyciatrist. I’ve never really been treated for sza before so this definitely feels like the deep end of the pool, ya know. I got off benzo’s along with methadone before and it was rough, but this time I feel like it’s accelerating my surfacing symptoms. I might go check myself in to the hospital when I get back home.


Good luck @thanksfortrying!


So far all i’ve tried recently was Olanzapine briefly, and have tried Buspirone a few times. The Olanzapine ruined me in the morning though and I would have definitely have lost my job If I continued it


Thank you, do you feel that the withdrawals make symptoms worse? Any advice on supplements etc.?

I CTd about a week ago, but honestly I don’t feel that much withdrawal. Maybe the supplements are helping.

I take 3gs of Niacin and 6g of Taurine perday, dividided into 3 doses.

1g Niacin + 2g Taurine x 3

Hope this helps.


I cant read all of these msg’s right now but from the title i can say, we are very supportive here and its all anonymous so don’t worry, hope you enjoy the forum :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of support here. Lying to your pdoc never helps. I find more open you are with them better for your health. It might take time to find the right one though. I tell my pdoc everything in detail and discuss even minute things. I keep my pdoc in confidence about my every decision and why am I doing this vs that. Once you build trust it helps. Others can better guide you about particular drug. I do not have any experience with it. Just hang in there. Future is bright and beautiful for all of us.


Hmm, I did notice that I was drinking way more energy drinks than usual so maybe there’s something to the Taurine and Niacin. Thanks for the tips, this is the type of stuff I was hoping to learn.

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Not a problem.

Same here, that’s how I narrowed those 2 ingredients down. One day I drank an energy drink and I felt symptom free for about 2-3 hours. Try to avoid stimulants as well, such as caffeine and nicotine. Moderate use is okay but excess use will rev up your symptoms.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

You’re going through a lot coming off clonazepam and benzos at the same time, I wish you luck with that.

You’re post didn’t come across with a woe is me bent.

I have schizophrenia not affective so I’m not much help with that. But I do suggest you start keeping a journal of your symptoms for your psychiatrist. It might help with bringing some honesty into your treatment.

If negative symptoms are your burden, you might have trouble with motivation.

Make yourself a daily checklist of things that are important for you to achieve. Like have a shower, feed the cat, take meds, make the bed, collect the mail, read the newspaper comics.

Print it out and make copies and leave it on the kitchen bench to start checking off every morning and build a routine. It’s hard to begin with, but it will become old hat quickly.

I look forward to getting to know you!


Thanks! The journal is definitely something I should start doing. Checklist probably wouldn’t hurt either, I have a really hard time focusing on/prioritizing things I’m doing.

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Buy yourself a nice, day to a page, diary for journaling so you have plenty of room to write on.

Hi and welcome to our forum. I don’t know anything about benzos but I used to smoke so I know what it’s like to be driven mad for something. Find all the soothers you can think of, tea, music, in bed under a comforter, a cat for companionship, etc. Do you live alone?

It sucks being fresh out the rabbit hole… the world is cold but this forum is a flame to brighten your way…


Benzos give me a rebound or withdrawal effect. If I take one today because I’m having a nervous moment, I’m also deciding to take one tomorrow. When my scrip ran out, that’s when I’d get really nervous. If you really think you should quit, get a plan with your doc to reduce your dosage over time. Good luck.