My thoughts on diagnosis.
I have schizoaffective disorder, originally diagnosed as schizophrenia.
i wanted to share my mentality , which ive developed from people on here and from family.
First, the Diagnosis is a big deal, it is a difficult thing, with little support in regards to aiding one self.
Be proud of yourself, this world is not catered to you, and in fact all the symptoms will show you that the way the world goes and your diagnosis existing, breeds a opposing self. The opposing self is the self that tells you should do this, get a job, excercise, be healthy, partake in society, be great at everything, socialising all the way to diet.
But thats not applicable to you and i, i realise now it is this very thought(idiology of competitivness) that breeds within us the negativity, it tells us to measure ourselfs with the very yard stick of people who do not have the same conditions surrounding them.
We must measure ourselves against our condition and symptoms, and be proud of ourselves for everything we manage to do against the odds.
Many of us will be thinking we need to do this and that, but really all we need is self compassion and the realisation that we need not follow the competitiveness in society, the constant striving, a means to more means, we are a softer soul, we are more like buddhists than capatilists, we need to nurture ourselves, love our selves, be kind and compassionate.
this for me is the true focus for us, once we measure with the correct yardstick, then we realise most of us if not all of us are more than survivors, but we are succeeders, we are such a small percentage of society and it is our job to apply correct measurements and objectives.
Success is the internal graduation not an external congratulation.
Very true that success is within us and not external
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